The start of the summer has seen our Barshare Bolterz club get up and running (!) and so far it has been a great success.
The pupils have been focusing on developing their fitness and their running form and this week were able to practice sprinting in the sunshine. All the boys and girls have put in a fantastic effort over the last couple of weeks.
Over the past few weeks a group of children have been working hard with Mrs Conquer to start a running club within the school called the Barshare Bolterz. In fact, over 60 children were interested in taking part in this club!
A small number of the pupils that were interested worked with Mrs Conquer to prepare an application for a Young People’s Participatory Budget grant. This was to secure funding to buy equipment to make our new running club fun and to encourage pupils to engage in the training.
The group prepared a presentation and had to attend a voting event last Saturday at YipWorld in Cumnock. They had to campaign to members of the public to encourage them to vote for our club.
The group are delighted to announce that they were successful in their campaign and received enough votes to be awarded the grant. The money will help us to get our club up and running in Term 4!
Thanks to everyone who came along to support us and to vote.
On Thursday 22nd November, SLC3 travelled up to Glasgow to visit the Cocoa Bean Factory as part of their topic on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
The pupils had a brilliant time and were able to make lots of different types of chocolate to take home. They learned how to make chocolate in different shaped moulds, decorated chocolate bars and made marshmallow men!
Later, the pupils learned about where chocolate comes from and got to touch and grind real cocoa beans.
SLC 3 have been learning about electricity in class. As part of this topic, they visited the STEM building at Dumfries House. They explored electrical circuits and were able to work together to create different types of circuits. Later in the day, the pupils worked in teams to create a vacuum cleaner that could suck up confetti left over from a party. The class were also lucky enough to get lots of time to explore the outdoors in the STEM water park.
Watch the video below to see us being a human electrical circuit!
Over the past term, two pupils from SLC 3 have been working with pupils from Hillside school and Drake music on a project which finished with a performance at Cumnock Academy on Friday 29th September. The two boys thoroughly enjoyed their time learning how to use the different musical technology and taking part in the performance. They really did their school proud!