Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning Mon 22nd June

Hello Primary 3/4, can you believe this is our last week of term?! It has been such a strange time for us all and I would just like to say a big WELL DONE for all your hard work and learning you have engaged in over this term. I’m so proud of you all. As this is our last week, I have created your tasks to be a little different to usual. As always, have a look through with your family and do your best.

1) As this is our last week, I would like you to think about and reflect on your year in Primary 3/4. What was your favourite thing about it? What did you learn? What can you do now that you couldn’t do at the beginning of the year? Where was your favourite school visit to and why? What are you looking forward to next session? Below are some ideas to help you get started. If you wish, you could write your ideas down in your home learning jotter or create a mind map of ideas.

2) Can you create an A to Z of our year in P3/4? Next to each letter, try to think of something related to our class. Eg D = Dumfries House Farm visit.

3) Try out the Code Breaker challenges below.

4) I thought it might be fun to create a family sports day for you and your family to enjoy one afternoon when the sun is shining! Think about the different kinds of races you might include. Perhaps you could create a poster for it? Or design a medal for 1st place? Here are some ideas to help you to get started too.

5) Here are some STEM activities for you to try which I think look super fun!

6) If you have lego at home, you might wish to try out some of these challenges. Don’t worry if you don’t, why don’t you look in your paper recycling bin or use some junk to build with instead!

7) There are some lovely art ideas for you to try out too. You can choose which challenges you are going to do and how you will design them. Perhaps you will draw? Paint? Mould? Sketch?

8) Mrs Hill has prepared some tasks for you too:

I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL summer. Please keep safe, look after each other and have lots of fun! I am looking forward to seeing you all again.
Lots of love,
From Mrs Hastings x

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