SLC3 Home Learning Tasks 8/6/20

Good morning, it’s Monday again!  Hope you all had a nice weekend.  Time for more activities … remember there is no expectation to complete these, do what you can.  Our priority is that everyone is healthy and happy.  I hope to speak to you later on in the week, have fun!

Tasks for Week Beginning 8 / 6 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall – Your key words this week are: come, much, our, them   Practise spelling these using :

Phonics – There’s a link below to ‘Dragons Den’ blending game.  Choose ‘phase 4 words’ and then the second row down ‘CCVC sets 1- 7’

 Writing – We were learning to use exclamation marks (!) in our writing.  Watch the video using the link below and complete activity 1 and 2 from the website.


Numeracy – Partition each of these numbers.  Can you make the numbers?  Use objects to represent ‘hundreds’, ‘tens’ and ‘units’ like stones for units, sticks for tens and a rock for hundreds.

Calculations – Have you been practising your learn its?  Here is a copy of a Beat That.  Some of you were only set 3 minutes to finish it.  Keep practising this week to see what your best score can be.  An adult can copy out the sums and reorder them to allow you to have a different page each day. 

Length – Revision of using a ruler to measure in centimetres (cm) this week.  Click on the link below to be taken to the activity.

Transport Topic – Using the link below, read through and discuss the ‘History of Cars’ powerpoint.  A History of Cars

Compare a car from the past to our current cars.  Can you complete the diagrams with the correct labels?

Can you write a description of each car?

PE Just Dance! In class you all love the ‘Just Dance’ video clips on Youtube.  Choose your favourite songs to dance along to at home.

Dragons Den for Phonics

Writing Task

Length task