Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning 18th May

Hello Primary 3/4, I hope that you are all safe and well. Below are these week’s home learning tasks for you to try and work on. Remember, just do your best, that is all we ask.

1) This weeks phonic sound is “ng” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: strong, ring, thing, string, bang, bring and sting. If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different ng words. This week, why don’t you try writing the words into 3 different silly sentences? See if you can include all of the spelling words. Have fun making the sentences silly! Remember your red home learning jotter can be used for this too.
2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) Research and find out about a minibeast of your choice and present your findings. Think about how you are going to present your findings. Perhaps you will create a poster? A fact file? A word document? A powerpoint? Aim to include: A title, a picture/diagram, at least 5 facts about the minibeast. This task will be continued into next week too to give you time to focus on your research and present your findings.

Here is a useful video to help you to get started:

Numeracy & Maths
4) Go on sumdog and complete the challenge questions focused on number words. When you log in and go to play a game, the number words questions will come up first. Last week’s questions on 2x, 5x and 10x are still there if you have not completed them yet.
5) Practice multiplication using the questions below. It may help if you write down the calculation and the answer in your home learning jotter. Think about strategies you can use to help you if you find it tricky – counting up in multiples, drawing a picture or acting it out may help you.

6) Practice fact families using the numbers below. Remember, these are the 4 calculations (2 additions and 2 subtractions) that you can make using only 3 numbers. Why don’t you challenge yourself and make up one of your own for your adult to do?

All My Other Learning
7) Challenge – to design/create a Bug Hotel! If you don’t have access to an outdoor space/garden, you could draw a picture of what your Bug Hotel would look like. If you do have an outdoor space/garden think about ways you could create a Bug Hotel. For example, you could:
a. If you have some bricks, wooden boxes or pallets why not build a multi-storey Minibeast Mansion?! You could divide it into sections and stuff each part with different natural materials such as dry leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass, pine cones and bits of bark.
b. You could make a Log Pile Lodge! To make a log pile, simply collect small logs, large sticks and pieces of rotting wood. Pile them up in a damp, shady area of your garden, then stuff some dead leaves in the nooks and crannies to make it cosy.
c. Or perhaps a Pine Cone Palace? Gather some pine cones and bundle them together closely so the scales interlock a bit. Stuff some dried leaves in the gaps. Place the pine cones in a quiet corner of your garden shed or garage.
d. Maybe you could make a Twig Tower Block? Gather some sticks and find an undisturbed, sheltered spot outdoors. Pile them up and stuff the gaps with smaller twigs and dry leaves.
The video link and picture below show other ways you may want to try too:

8) Mrs Hill has prepared a virtual musical classroom for you too:

Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x