P1/2 Home Learning Tasks – 11.5.20

P1/2 Home Learning Tasks


Hello everyone,

I hope you managed to enjoy your bank holiday weekend and made the most of the sunny and dry weather 😊.  It was so lovely to get to speak to lots of your adults last week and even getting to speak to some of you!  I’ll be in touch again with everyone to check in again in a couple of weeks time.  Remember to just do whatever you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves, you’re all doing the best that you can!

Miss Stafford




P1: Your new sound this week is: ue.

Ask an adult to help you come up with as many “ue” words as you can.  Watch this video and try your best to sound out each sound and blend the word together.

Ask an adult to help you write down 3 words from the video.  Practice these words by:

  • Air writing with your finger
  • Rainbow Writing
  • Writing one sentence (an adult should help with this)

P2: We are looking at o_e this week.  It’s the same idea as our magic e sound that we looked at last week.  Have a look at Geraldine exploring this sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDms5bRsvq4

Go on a hunt around your house and ask an adult to help you!

Use your spelling activity grid to practice all o_e words in your spelling booklet.

Write 5 sentences using your o_e words. These can spread out over each day.


Remember to log into bug club! You should have a new book this week.  We are focussing on completing just one book each week, this should give you the chance to really focus on this book and ensure that you are  really understanding what you are reading.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rudDGRQ9QGA  Have a watch of this video reading a lovely book about the zoo.

Try to write something about your favourite zoo animal in the book, or in general! You could research this animal and create a fact file.  Ask an adult to help you.



Remember to log onto Sumdog.  You have a new set of challenges for the week to complete.  I can see some of you working really hard each week on it – well done you! You should have your log in details in your pack.


P1: Collect ten things from your garden, kitchen, lounge – anywhere!  Split them into different piles (You could use 2 bowls, cups etc, whatever works).  Count how many are in each of the two piles.  The total will always be ten, but explore the different ways we can make up ten.  5 + 5, or 4 + 6 etc.  An adult will need to help you with this.



This website is great for practicing this, click on the “make ten” button.


P2: Keep working on your adding tens and units.  I have some more questions for you to try this week using the same method as last week:

52 + 17 =

31 + 46 =

56 + 11 =

63 + 26 =

41 + 27 =

81 + 15 =

90 + 5 =

24 + 51 =

15 + 14 =

71 + 24 =


Other Curricular areas:


Here’s a challenge for the month of May to complete as many art tasks as you can.  This will hopefully give you lots of ideas 😊.



Remember to look at Mrs Hill’s music grid for some music ideas to complete at home:


Remember you are doing enough!  Do what you can when suits you.  Remember to keep safe and happy, I miss you all.

Miss Stafford

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