Miss Lee’s Groups Home Learning 11.5.20

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you are all doing OK. It was great speaking to you last week and finding out how you all are. You really cheered me up, thank you 😊 Here are this weeks ideas for a few activities that you could try if you have time or want to.


Bug Club – Go in and have a read of one of your books. Don’t forget to do the quiz.

Writing –  Write a letter to a friend

Do you have a friend that lives near by that you aren’t able to see at the moment? Why don’t you write them a short letter telling them what you have been doing. It only needs to be a 2/3 sentences long with a picture. Once you have written it you could deliver it when you go for a walk. This could really make your friends day.

Talking and Listening – Play a game of “Eye Spy” with your family to practice your sounds, and hopefully have some fun too.



Money Challenge – If you are able to can you find one of each type of coin from 1p to £2.00. Try to put them in order from the smallest to the biggest. Then use them to make different amounts if you can. If this is difficult follow this link to money activities on Topmarks that you can try.


The Story of 10 – Can you practice writing out all of the different adding sums using different numbers that add up to make a total of 10. You could even set yourself the challenge of timing yourself and seeing if you can quicker at doing it as the week goes on.


Don’t forget you have Sumdog that you can log into to use for maths games.


Something Else To Try

Here is the recipe for Banana Muffins which I made in school with the Wellbeing Group one day. The pupils really enjoyed making them. Make sure you get an adult to help with putting them into the oven and taking them back out as they will be really hot.

Banana Muffins

You will need:

225g Self Raising Flour

100g butter

75g Caster sugar

2 bananas

2 eggs

½ tsp cinnamon

2 tbspn cleaer honey


  1. Rub the flour and butter between your fingers to make a mixture that looks like breadcrumbs.
  2. Add the sugar, eggs, cinnamon and honey to the mixture and mix in.
  3. Put the bananas in a bowl and mash them with a fork.
  4. Add the bananas to the flour mixture and mix well.
  5. Put equal amounts of the batter mixture into muffin cases.
  6. Put the muffins into the oven at 180C for half an hour.
  7. When they are ready let the muffins cool completely on a cooling rack.


Hope you all have a good week.

Miss Lee x



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