Miss Lee’s SLC Groups

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good week and enjoyed some of the sunshine at the weekend. Here are a few suggestions for activities over the coming week.



Bug Club – Go in and have a read of one of your new books. Don’t forget to do the quiz

Writing –  “How to make a sandwich”

This week can you try to write the instructions for making a sandwich. You could help to make your own sandwich one lunchtime so that you have had a practice. It will help you think about what you need and what order to do things in.

*Top tip – break it down into sections e.g. What I need, What I did first, What I did next…..



Months of the Year Activity – Can you write out the 12 months of the year in the order that they come in. Then try to answer the following questions:-

  • What month is your birthday in?
  • What month is Christmas in?
  • Which months of the year are the school summer holidays in?
  • Ask other members of your family when their birthdays are?
  • What month of the year is Bonfire night in?
  • What month of the year is Valentine’s Day in?
  • Which months of the year is Winter in?
  • Which 3 months of the year are Spring in?
  • Which 3 months of the year is Summer in?
  • Which 3 months of the year make up the season of Autumn?


Volume Investigation

Can pupils collect containers of different sizes and shapes that they can fill with water. These could be bottles, jug, vase, watering can, a bowl etc.

Using a jug or a bottle you know the volume of fill each container with water and count how many jugs of water you need for each container you’ve collected. Then try to answer the following questions:-

  • Which container holds the most water?
  • Which one holds the smallest amount of water?
  • Can you put the containers you have in order from the one that holds the smallest colume of water to the greatest volume?



Don’t forget you have Sumdog that you can log into to use for maths and also there is Topmarks. There are lots of other websites suggested on the sheets that we sent home in March as well.


Art Project

This week I thought you might enjoy an art project that a friend of mine has given to her pupils in the USA. The challenge is to use some of your toys to create scenes that you can take a photograph of. You can make some really fun pictures here are a couple to give you some ideas.

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Something Else To Try

Why not try making a fruit salad for you and your family. You will need an adult with you to help, especially when you are using the knife to cut fruit up.

Fruit Salad

You will need:-

  • A selection of your favourite fruits (strawberries, melon, pineapple, mango, kiwi’s, oranges, apples, banana)
  • A little sugar
  • A little bit of lemon juice
  1. Wash, peel if you need to and chop the fruits up. Put them all into a bowl.
  2. Leave the banana until you are ready to serve.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit with a little bit of sugar and some lemon juice. This will help to stop the fruit turning brown.
  4. Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the fridge so that the fruits get a bit juicier.
  5. When you are ready to eat it chop up your banana and mix it into the other fruits in the bowl.
  6. Your fruit salad is ready to serve. Enjoy. 🙂


Hope you have fun trying some of these activities out at home this week.

Take care and I will be in touch soon to find out how you all are.

Miss Lee x




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