Hello Primary 3/4!
I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe at home. I missed seeing you all last week, hearing all your wee stories and learning together.
Each Monday I will post on here to keep in contact with you and your families and let you know what tasks/activities are set for the week.
This week I would like you to keep working on the home learning pack that I sent home to you. This was to last you for around two weeks.
I have been checking Bug Club and Sumdog every day. Well done to those of you who went on last week. I enjoyed seeing how you got on with your bugs and I was happy to see some people had completed the sumdog task I had set. This week’s sumdog tasks focus on the times tables and money. Don’t worry if you completed these last week – you can enjoy playing the games that come after!
There are lots of fun things online you can be doing too – PE with Joe Wicks, online stories and virtual tours of zoo’s! I hope you are enjoying these if you’ve been tuning in.
I hope you have a good week Primary 3/4. Keeping working on your home learning packs, practice your reading on Bug Club your numbers on Sumdog and have fun with your families.
Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x