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Great Expectations Complex character essay on Estella

colour-coded PEEL Estella essay

Below is the Estella essay without the colour-coding. The word document option will help you see the structure more clearly.

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens features the character Estella whose complexity lies in the fact that she is Miss Havisham’s adopted puppet, created to break men’s hearts as revenge for her mother yet we feel sympathy for her as she does not understand how to behave in any other way. The novel follows Pip as he falls in love with Estella, rises from poverty to riches at the hand of a mysterious benefactor before finding himself and his purpose in life as a young man. We can discuss how Estella’s complexity helps us understand Dicken’s wider point of being a good person in life.

We first meet Estella at Satis House when Pip goes there to ‘play’ with her at Miss Havisham’s invitation – really he is Estella’s first toy to test her emotional manipulation abilities and show us how she influences Pip’s personality. She flexes these manipulation muscles in her first meeting with Pip where he tells us, “her contempt for me was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it.” Here the word choice of ‘contempt’ shows that Estella truly hates Pip. The metaphor of it becoming ‘infectious’ eloquently shows that Pip’s own feelings towards himself change. Estella’s actions cause Pip to dislike himself as a person. He ‘catches’ the ‘contempt’ for himself and starts to judge himself and his background cruelly. Estella does this because she has been brought up to think less of those around her. Estella’s meanness to Pip is the trigger for him to change from a pleasant boy into a snob who criticises himself, she is the trigger for Pip to stop being a good person.

This change in Pip’ s personality continues at their next meeting when Pip fights a boy outside Satis House and catches Estella watching. Pip again tells us, “there was a bright flush upon her face, as though something had happened to delight her”. Estella’s reaction here is disturbing as she seems to be excited by the physical violence, the ‘flush’ hints at a sexual excitement too, she is being trained to delight in others pain – a sadist. This is the first clear sign that Estella thrives on seeing others hurt. She is even seen to reward Pip for fighting by granting him a kiss. This shows her manipulating him, by encouraging his affections for her and suggesting that she needs physical protection in some way. This scene adds a complexity to Estella’s character as it shows she is capable of enjoying things rather than keeping herself neutral to everything. It also adds to the whole story as the event further deepens Pip’s feelings for Estella leading him further into a personality that does not always display positive traits.

We start to feel sorry for Estella when it becomes clear that she is a broken person and Pip still tries desperately to make her love him. She tells Pip, “I have a heart to be stabbed or shot in, I have no doubt, and, of course, if it ceased to beat, I would cease to be. But you know what I mean. I have no softness there, no – sympathy – sentiment – nonsense.” Her words here shows she acknowledges her physical heart as something that can hurt or harmed, and she uses alliteration and plosive words to highlight this hurt – ‘stabbed’ and ‘shot’. They add aggression to her tone and make it sound like she is spitting her words at Pip. But then she disregards being able to feel emotions. She refers to these as ‘softness’ suggesting she thinks emotions are something that make you vulnerable. She shows further disdain for them with her list of words ‘sympathy’, ‘sentiment’ and then the final blow, ‘nonsense’. With that word she dismisses Pip’s feelings for her as trivial. In the same speech she also talks of never ‘bestowing her tenderness anywhere’ as she has never had tenderness. With such a statement Estella again refutes any warmth in her personality. There is an irony here though, as in telling Pip such things she is showing him a kindness in trying to warn him away. At this point we feel sorry for Estella, she is a cold-hearted being, because that is what Miss Havisham made her and she attempts to save Pip from her but he will not listen. He is still desperately set on believing the fairytale that Miss Havisham is his secret benefactor and that he is destined for Estella.

As Estella grows into an adult she actually goes against her maker Miss Havisham, much to the old lady’s shock and horror. Miss Havisham is appalled at Estella’s attitude when discussing her engagement to Drummel and Estella responds with “I am what you designed me to be. I am your blade. You cannot now complain if you also feel the hurt.” There is a continued theme here of violence that surrounds Estella. She compares herself to a knife here as both are sharp and can be used to hurt people – a knife physically, Estella emotionally. What Estella exemplifies at this point is how dangerous it is to interfere with people and shape them. She can commit Miss Havisham’s wishes but in doing so she is also hurting Miss Havisham. She does no good for anyone her, not for herself, not for Drummel, not for Pip and certainly not for Miss Havisham. In trying to achieve revenge, Miss Havisham has only hurt herself by cutting short Estella’s love for her.

There is some hope for Estella though, and even she, arguably the most broken character in the book finds redemption. Estella meets Pip at Satis House and reveals Drummel, her abusive husband is dead and she is free to remarry, she tells him, “I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape”. Her word choice here is actually quite sad, although she is speaking metaphorically here about her change of character and says that she is a better person now she is also referencing that part of this change took place as a result of Drummel’s fists – ‘bent’ and ‘broken’. The words are also alliterative and plosive as if mimicking the sound of his raining blows. It is also plausible that Estella actually finds a happy ending after finding herself as we are told by Pip, “I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and… I saw no shadow of another parting from her.” The word choice of ‘ruined’ suggests that both characters accept the imperfections of their past but are prepared to move on from it, the holding of hands shows them finally in partnership and the lack of ‘shadow of another parting’ suggests they intend to be together. This ending shows us our protagonist achieving his happy ending, but it also shows that Estella, as a result of her changes to her life also receiving her happy ending with a man who will care for her and love her properly.

In conclusion, Estella is an immensely complicated character as a result of her upbringing at the hand of Miss Havisham who intends her to be a manipulative heart-breaker. Estella can quickly see that she is inhuman in certain aspects and thrives and gets excited from being able to control the men around her. She feels sorry for Pip though and attempts to protect him from her. This makes us sympathetic towards her as she attempts to protect our protagonist. We also know that her behaviour is not entirely her fault. She exemplifies Dicken’s theme of being a good person as she, like Pip, only gets her happy ending when she changes herself for the better.

How to Pass the Prelim

Hello small children with brain cells of astronomical growing ability,

On the off-chance that you do bother your bums to look at this website over the season of wintery joy, here is your checklist of pertinent activities to help build architecturally beautiful brain bridges:

complete discursive draft and put on USB
complete creative draft and put on USB
Learn your Great Expectations quotes
Practice at least three Great Expectations essays using the past papers on the SQA
Notes on the first four poems – The Ferryman’s Arms, Nil Nil, 11.00 Baldovan and Waking with Russell
ALL poems annotated
Practice Scottish Set Text BY CLICKING HERE to open Practice Questions
RUAE Past Papers (the passwords are obvious!)

Happy holidays!

Nil Nil Notes

  1. Explain how the title ‘Nil Nil’ corresponds with the two ‘stories’ told within the poem. The poem is about football and this title references a scenario in which both teams lose. Both the stories contained within the poem are about nothingness which is reflected in the title of double zero. Also the fact that the poem deals with two stories that both end in nothing is shown here as there is an idea of two teams (stories) being played.

2.In your own words, explain the connection between the football club and the plane crash.
Both the plane and the football club start on a high but by the end of the poem they are nothing.

  1. Look at line 18. How does the poet’s language emphasis how far Farquhar’s fortunes have declined? Explain how Farquhar is further characterised in the story of ‘the Cup’?
    In line 18 we find out that Farquhar has died and that he has probably been forgotten about. This is emphasised by the tone and word choice of ‘name-check in Monday’s obituaries’. There is an image here that he has grown old and that he has been forgotten about. The only thing he will be remembered for – name-checked- is his “spectacular bicycle kick”. Farquhar is later portrayed as a villain in the poem. He somehow manages to score an “own-goal” in a later match. He has sabotaged his team’s chances of winning when they are already on a losing streak.

  2. Look at lines 19–31. With close reference to the text, how does the poet help us understand the way the club’s success has diminished?
    The poet helps us to understand that the clubs fortunes have diminished over time by using a really long list. He lists all the things you can now see at a game “big tartan flasks, open hatchbacks, the half-time Satsuma, the dog on the pitch…” all this suggests that the atmosphere has gone a bit stale and that the team is now only playing at amateur level.
    The word choice to describe this decline is also worth noting. Paterson calls it the “fifty year slide”. The decline is taking a long time to happen, and the slide part suggests that they have no control over it and cannot prevent it from happening.

  3. Look at lines 1–7. With close reference to the text, explain how the poet’s language establishes the level of the club’s success and glory.
    Paterson uses specific word choice in his opening line to establish straight away that the club is experiencing success and glory. He opens with the phrase “from the top”. This suggests that the team is at the height of their game and are doing the best they possibly can. This idea is further reinforced with the phrase “the zenith” again suggesting that these men have reached the peak, no one can beat them. The team are clearly well supported as Paterson speaks of a “plague of grey bonnets”, the word “plague” suggests an epidemic of people so we know the grounds are swarming with supporters. The word “majestic” is also used to describe the skills of one of the players. This word bears connotations of being god-like and great or important. This tells us that the team holds a high position and is doing well.

  4. How effectively does the epilogue sum up the central concerns of the poem?
    The epilogue is very effective at summing up the central concern of nothingness in the poem. The speaker in the poem is addressing us directly after telling us the story of the club and plane descending into nothingness. He too is about to disappear into nothingness. He talks of “the failing light”, – the coming night will be complete darkness, “the trail as it steadily fades” – the path disappears, and then eventually mentions “nirvana” the state of non-being. All of this highlights and reinforces the idea that eventually all of us, no matter what, will become nothing.

  5. Look at lines 19–23. Explain how the poet’s language creates humour and irony as he describes the club’s ‘spell of giant killing’.
    In lines 19-23, Paterson is describing the decline of the football team. There is sense of humour and irony here as he describes the “spell of giant killing” as a “setback”. He is looking upon the teams short spell of victories as a bad thing because it causes a blip in their steady fall from the top. This is ironic as really this should be something to celebrate, the team are doing well. There is also humour in the mock heroic word choice. “spell of giant killing”. The team are not really knights fighting a deathly battle against huge beings, but a small football team challenging another football team. It makes it sound like the football matches were difficult and epic battles.

  6. How does the poet further establish the idea of decline in lines 44–49? You may comment on the poet’s use of language or his ideas.
    The idea of a decline is further established in lines 44-49. The team has been reduced to one wee boy “swanking” home on his own from the field that now acts as the football pitch. The town from which the football club once hailed has also fallen into decline, mirroring the demise of the club. We are told that he walks past “stopped swings, the dead shanty-town/ of allotments, the black shell of Skelly Dry Cleaners/ and into the cul-de-sac”. The “stopped swings” hints that once upon a time this area was lively with children playing but now they no longer come outside. The use of “dead” to describe the allotments also suggests this lack of life, and the “shanty-town” to describe the allotments appearance suggests great dilapidation has taken place. The Dry Cleaners that once sponsored the team has now gone bust as there is only a “shell” left, letting us know they are now empty. The word choice “black” lets us know it is darkness and could hint that it has actually been burned down so the area is now invaded by hoodlums who wreck what is left. Dramatic epithet is also used as the boy trudges home in “rain” which suggests a sad and dreary mood and setting for the poem at this point.

Critical Essay Writing

I know you guys think this is hard, and you think I’m mad when I say this is easy – but it really is! You do need to know all your quotes though, and it is SUPER important that you remember you essay structure. You are making an argument in your critical essay, a critical one, where you investigate and analyse the text. You should be making a clear POINT at the start of each paragraph, backing it up with clear EVIDENCE from the text, EXPLAINING how these quotes develop your point and finally LINKing it back to the main question.

This gives a minimum of four sentences in each paragraph of the essay. If you are sitting Higher, you should be putting in A LOT more analysis on your quotes. You should also be using more than one quote in some of your paragraphs. This will give you a PEEEEL structure in some of your paragraphs.

This sounds like a lot of work, but if you have selected your quotes carefully, then they are actually going to do most of the work for you.

Let’s take a closer look. We’re going to take The Kite Runner as our sample text. The 2018 Higher class have been studying this and they have chosen the following quotes:
1. ‘it was the look of the lamb’

2. ‘Coward! Coward!’
3. ‘in thin, raspy voice: ‘Yes.”

4. ‘There is a way to be good again’

5. ‘My body was broken… but I was healed. I laughed.’

6. ‘You will not refer to him as that Hazara boy in my presence again. He has a name and it is Sohrab.’
7. ‘It was only a smile, nothing more, but I’ll take it.’
8. ‘For you a thousand times over.’

That’s the quotes sorted out. Now we need to think about setting up an essay. Your introduction is important because it sets the scene. Take a look at these questions from the 2015 Higher paper:

4. Choose a novel or short story in which the method of narration is important. Outline briefly the writer’s method of narration and explain why you feel this method makes such a major contribution to your understanding of the text as a whole.

5. Choose a novel or short story in which there is a moment of significance for one of the characters. Explain briefly what the significant moment is and discuss, with reference to appropriate techniques, its significance to the text as a whole.

6. Choose a novel or short story which has a satisfying ending. Discuss to what extent the ending provides a successful conclusion to the text as a whole.

The first question is answerable but it’s not something we’ve focused on in class. Question 5 and 6 however are perfect for us. Take a look at the sample intro’s below. I’ve put them side by side so you can see how similar they are, and that we are simply tailoring our response to suit the actual question. Note how they use the same idea but tweak it to fit the question:

Now on to the first paragraph. We need to make clear our line of thought here, utilise our evidence and tie it back to the main argument of the text. Take a look at these two:

See how they use the exact same evidence and analysis? The POINT is more or less the same, but worded to suit the intent of the question, the same thing has happened with the link back to tie it in to the question.

Let’s take a look at the rest of both essays and see how the conclusion would work:

And that’s it!

(And yes, I am aware there are some grammatical and spelling errors in the above, but I think we can live with them for just now in the name of having Prelim revision materials!)

2017 Media

1. Media content can create stereotypes and/or challenge stereotypes.
a) Describe representations which create and/or challenge stereotypes in media content you have studied. (6)

Game of Thrones is a TV series which focuses on a fantasy world in which there is the typical heroes and heroines. Sometimes the show choses to rely on the stereotype and other times it challenges them to create interesting storyline dynamics.
One character who is wholly stereotyped is Jon Snow. He is a hero and is portrayed as noble and honourable (1). Jon Snow will always do the right thing no matter what it costs him – even losing his life at one point. (1)
Another character who is wholly stereotyped is Ramsey Bolton. Ramsay is seen as a villain. (1) He captures a castle and tortures people. A lot of his actions verge on the psychopathic and he regularly comes out with sarcastic one-liners when threatening his enemies. (1)
A character who challenges a stereotype is Sansa Stark. Sansa is a rape victim (1). Instead of being a ‘broken woman’ who clings to her victimhood and lets it consume her, Sansa seeks justice on her rapist, Ramsay. She leads an army against him and finally executes him, by letting his own ravenous dogs eat him as payback for the torture and rape he put her through. (1)

b) Explain in detail how language features have been used to create and/or challenge stereotypes. (6)

Jon Snow was clearly cast as the hero in the Battle of the Bastards. There is a fantastic shot used to show him standing against Ramsay’s army. The shot is a medium shot showing Jon Snow from behind, raising his sword against a charging cavalry from the opposition. This shows us that Jon Snow is a hero, as even though he is the only man near enough to Ramsay’s army to start fighting, and he had a clear field to run away on, and even though he has lost his horse and is in a weakened position at this point he still stands against the oncoming army.
The language features then use a long shot, still putting Jon Snow in the centre of the image, but this time he is side on. We see that his cavalry has caught up with him and the two armies meet at the point where Jon stands. This gives the shot an epic feel as you see the two horse lines smash into each other. It also reinforces the stereotype of Jon Snow as a hero because his army will do anything for him, and rush to help defend him because they believe in him.
Something else that reinforces the stereotype of Jon Snow here was the use of parallel, non-diegetic music. The music was orchestral and used long, soaring high notes to show us that this was a big battle scene coming and to emphasise Jon Snow as the heroic leader. There was also an element of sad notes to the music which suggested that Jon Snow knew his army was smaller and would probably loose but he was determined to fight for the cause he believed in.

2. Producers of media content must consider internal and external factors.
a) Describe two internal and/or external factors in media content you have studied. (2)

An internal factor that affected the filming of Game of Thrones – Battle of the Bastards was the budget and how this would be spent on things like location, actors fees, extras, stunts and camera crew departments.
An external factor which affected the filming of this episode would have been the BBFC rating. The show is given a rating of 18. This actually means they can include a lot more gore and violence that media texts aimed at lower age groups.

b) Explain in detail how internal and/or external factors have affected media content you have studied. (6)

The Battle of the Bastard had to take place outside and was supposed to look like a battle between Jon Snow’s small army and Ramsay’s much bigger one. The whole series was given a budget of roughly £80 million which averages out at £8 million per episode. However, because this episode had a sweeping battle scene to film taking up at least half the episode it is likely the budget accredited to this episode was bigger.
The location was Ireland, near the studios in Belfast. This meant that they could easily find filming space that was big enough in the country side and that didn’t have any modern technology ruining the shots.
The next thing was to work out how best to use the 500 extras and 70 horses. This meant working out clever camera shots and heavy choreography of the extras to ensure that shots showed a medieval battle. The cavalry charge was supposed to be of hundreds of horses but by using close-ups and medium shots, the production team managed to give the feeling of hundreds of knights charging rather than physically showing it.
Another way the budget was carefully spent was by using CGI later. The crew filmed the 500 extras standing in battle formation to look like an infantry in an extreme long shot. This small group was then duplicated to make it look like a much larger group of men.
They also had to use special equipment for the tracking shots of the horses running. A special 4×4 was rigged up with a suspended camera to get smooth shots of the horses running across the battle field. This was effective as it meant they could still film even though they were on rough terrain and could get the speed right.
The battle scenes used diegetic sound and were specially choreographed so they could be filmed as a single (Smooth) hand-held shot. This gave the viewer a first-person immersive experience of being in battle. The BBFC rating of 18 also meant that the fight scenes could be graphically realistic as an 18 audience (therefore adult) are able to see more accurate representations. This means there is lots of blood and diegetic battle sounds with screaming. This made the battle scene seem real and gave the viewer an experience of battle.

3. Genres are used to attract audiences.
a) Describe the genre conventions of media content you have studied. (8)

Game of thrones is clearly a medieval fantasy TV series. There are many ways in which the episode Battle of the Bastards conformed to the conventions.
The main focus was the battle . Battles are stock parts of fantasy shows as they are where good versus evil and usually good wins. Here Jon Snow battled Ramsay’s army. An extra element of excitement and drama was added as Jon represented good but his army was tiny compared to Ramsay’s and so we weren’t sure if they would win thus creating an enigma code.
Another way that the show conformed to the genre was through the creation of characters. There is a clear hero in this episode – Jon Snow. He is defined as honourable and noble. Even though he is outnumbered, he is willing to fight to the death in order to do the right thing. This is shown through the camera techniques at the start of the battle. A long shot of Jon Snow is shown raising his sword against a charging enemy cavalry. The body language of Jon Snow here shows him raising his sword and making himself big and spreading his legs to take his weight. This is a typical hero pose. It shows us he is ready to take on the fight.
The fantasy element is also very strong in this episode as there is a giant used in the battle called Wun Wun. Giants are stereotypical fantasy creatures and so to include one signalled that this was a fantasy. It gave the battle a more epic feel as well as we watched Wun Wun take out infantry with spears and defend his friends.
Another element was the damsel in distress that was represented by Sansa. Sansa is a tough character with a lot of political power but because she is female and a Lady she is not allowed to fight. She must hold back and let Jon Snow fight for her.
A final thing that made this fantasy was the inclusion of White Knights. This cultural code was used to save the battle. A second army turns up just as Jon Snow’s army is being surrounded and slaughtered. They ride white horses, have super shiny armour and have happy banners to show they will save the day.

b) Explain in detail how these genre conventions would attract one or more audiences (4)

The Damsel in Distress is included to attract audiences as we want to see how her fight goes. Sansa is also important as she is seeking justice against the villain Ramsay for raping her and murdering her little brother. She is particularly appealing to female audiences who appreciate strong female characters.
The hero Jon Snow attracts audiences because he is the typical hero. We are heavily emotionally invested in Jon Snow as a character. He has been through a lot (including returning from death) and we know he is in the right and should win this battle. We watch to confirm that he wins. He appeals to everyone as he is the good guy.
The battle scene is also another big reason we watch the show, particularly male audiences. The budget and hype around this episode was huge and we knew it would be a strong episode in terms of cinematography and narrative. The White Knights at the end, and their nod to the stereotypical cultural code, adds relief and an element of humour to an otherwise serious and heavy battle sequence.

Essaying the Kite Runner

Now we’re going to try and write an essay. We’re going to take a look at question 1 again:

1. Choose a novel or short story in which there is a character who experiences rejection or isolation. With reference to appropriate techniques, explain the rejection or isolation, and discuss how this aspect adds to your appreciation of the text as a whole.

If this was your question and you’ve started off your essay by giving this intro:
In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini there is a character Amir, who experiences isolation when he isolates himself because he experiences guilt at letting Hassan get raped. In the story Amir must make up for letting his best friend Hassan get raped by rescuing his nephew Sohrab from the Taliban. We can look at how Amir‘s isolation is important to our appreciation of the text as a whole by helping us understand that it is important to redeem yourself even if it is a hard thing to do.

Then we need to focus on Amir isolating himself and how this plays into the bigger theme of redemption. To begin with we’re going to note the POINTs when Amir isolates himself – the rape scene. Our next comment should be on how Amir goes on to isolate himself from Hassan, and then unwittingly from his father Baba. We can then begin to talk about how he comes back from this self-isolation by returning to Afghanistan at Rahim Khan’s request and rescuing his nephew. Then there is the sense of redemption at the end as he has finally managed to resolve things with Hassan’s memory. Our five points then would be something like:

1. Amir witnesses the rape and becomes guilty at Hassan’s sacrifice
2. He cannot deal with the rape and pushes Hassan away, attempting to fight him and eventually framing him
3. Rahim Khan explains that there is a way to be good again and he doesn’t need to be guilty anymore.
4. He gets Sohrab back and experiences a catharsis at finally confronting Assef.
5. He becomes the good man Baba wanted him to be and there is hope for Sohrab’s future.

Now, obviously that alone isn’t enough to write your whole essay. We will need to flesh this out with EVIDENCE from the text. What would we note down for these different sections? For each piece of EVIDENCE we need to explain how it is doing what it is doing. For a Higher essay some of our POINTs may have more than one piece of EVIDENCE which we will put in the same paragraph, or series of paragraphs. When we round off a paragraph we need to refer back to the question to show how that POINT is relevant. This is your LINK BACK. We’re going to put this plan together now:

P: Amir witnesses the rape and becomes guilty at Hassan’s sacrifice
E: “It was the look of the lamb”
Metaphor and alliteration to draw attention to what he is saying. The lamb is a symbol for Hassan. The lamb is sacrificed just like Hassan sacrifices himself for Amir and the kite trophy.
L: This event and the trauma of letting it happen is what causes Amir to isolate himself from those around him, especially Hassan who he feels he cannot face.

P: He cannot deal with the rape and pushes Hassan away, attempting to fight him and eventually framing him.
E: “Coward! Coward!”
E: Speech that is shouted hence the exclamations. Amir calls Hassan a coward but really he is talking about himself. As he does this he throws pomegranates at Hassan. Pomegranates = friendship. Friendship is dead.
E: “Hassan’s reply was a single word, delivered in a thin, raspy voice: Yes”
E: Word choice thin raspy = Hassan’s low state. Yes = Hassan covering for Amir to get away from him.
L: Amir is incapable of processing or dealing with his guilt at what he has allowed to happen to Hassan and so he pushes him as far away as possible. This is what he will have to redeem in the future – the hurt he causes his best friend (and brother).

P: Rahim Khan explains that there is a way to be good again and he doesn’t need to be guilty anymore.
E: “There is a way to be good again”
E: instruction and challenge set by Rahim Khan. Idea that Amir was once a good person.
L: This phone call gives Amir the push he needs to leave his self-isolation and make things good.

P: He gets Sohrab back and experiences a catharsis at finally confronting Assef.
E: “My body was broken…but I felt healed. I laughed.”
E: Alliteration on ‘b’ and the plosiveness matches the sound of his bones breaking and so adds to the violence of the scene. The ellipses is to make us pause as he contrasts with his physical pain by telling us he was mentally relieved. He was ‘healed’ word choice tells us he was whole again. The ‘laughing’ shows us his relief.
L: Amir’s isolation was caused because he didn’t do the right thing the first time around. Now he does the right thing by preventing a rape and taking the beating he should have had in the first place.

P: He becomes the good man Baba wanted him to be and there is hope for Sohrab’s future showing complete redemption and becoming a good person.
E: You will not refer to him as ‘that Hazara boy’ in front of me again. He has a name and it is Sohrab
E: standing up to Soraya’s father. The words are words once used against Hassan. Amir is finally learning to be a good person.
E: For you a thousand times over
E: he can finally speak the words Hassan once said to him and mean them. That he is willing to do anything for someone else.
E: It was only a smile, nothing more… but I’ll take it.
E: The smile shows hope for Sohrab’s future, and their future as a family unit.
L: Amir has made things right and no longer has to feel isolated.

The isolation was caused by Amir because he couldn’t handle his guilt. This lead to him having to redeem himself, something that Hosseini wanted us to think about. Amir eventually came out of his isolation at the request of Rahim Khan and he made things right by rescuing Sohrab.

Now attempt to write an essay using this plan.