Castle Douglas Primary and Early Learning and Childcare Centre

This is my school and I love it here!

Weekly News – May 18th – It’s been a busy one !


Our Weekly School News

Sharing our learning with the school community.

School News

Our Sparrow eggs have hatched and we can watch the chicks being fed inside the camera birdbox.


Free School Meals and/or Clothing Grants

The process for parents to apply for Free School Meals and a Clothing Grant is changing this academic year.

Parents who are currently in receipt of Free School Meals and/or Clothing Grant do not need to complete an application. Your entitlement will be automatically assessed each year. Parents will receive a letter if they are no longer eligible.

A change of circumstances form should be completed if current applicants have any changes to their circumstances. Parents can email to request a form or can ask at the school office.

New applicants for the forthcoming academic year 18/19 will be able to ask for a form from the school office.


Many of our classes joined in National Outdoor Learning Day and more photographs are on our Facebook page.




Class News

Primary 1

Zoe – “we had Assembly on the 18th May – it was about recycling. Well done to all the children.

Abbie said “we made biscuits”.
Frankie – “Thursday was our Outside Day”. Zoe said ” Outdoor day rocks!”
We made food in our outdoor kitchen, explored money and had fun making up stories with P6 class. We had stories in the nature garden about witches, broomsticks, dragons teeth and magic leaves. Primary 1 have fantastic imaginations!

We looked at some of Andy Goldsworthy’s work. Rory said “he’s an artist”.

The children then made their own pieces of Art using natural materials. We had rabbits, houses, monsters and other fantastic pieces.
Elsa “I like it when me and Fern played tig”. Eva- “I liked playing outside”.

We also planted our strawberry plants – Primary1 are super gardeners.
Indie “I liked planting”. Cara “I loved planting the strawberries with Zoe”. We had such a fun day.



Primary 1/2

P1/2 had great fun outside collecting wood and making pictures in art.
They enjoyed tasting healthy foods and decorating cookies too. Today we came to school in our party clothes and has a Wedding Lunch.


Primary 2

We made Royal Wedding biscuits on Wednesday and we had a garden party on the veranda on Friday after learning about the Royal Wedding and looking at the Royal Family Tree.

On Thursday we had great fun doing our work outside for the Outdoor Learning day.

“I loved drawing the sea pictures on the slabs”, said Morgan. “We went to the nature garden to look for animals” – Lewis.
We wrote fantastic imaginative stories.



We have been learning about Electricity with Mrs. Hart. This week we made a bulb light up. We started to make the bunting for our circus. We are working with partners and had to work out how to make 5 triangles each, all the same shape and size.

Jake has moved into P4/5 rugby squad and now plays full contact rugby.


Primary 3

Primary Three have had another busy week.

We have been working on our times tables in maths.

“I find it quite easy now I’ve had some practice” – Freya

“It was fun doing our times table mosaic because I didn’t know what the picture would be until it was finished” – Dylan

We have also been very excited by the chicks in the P3/4 classroom hatching! We all went next door to visit them.

“It was sad when one chick was feeling poorly but I’m happy that he’s okay now!” – Becky

“They were super cute and fluffy” – Kianna

“We got to see a chick pocking it’s beak out of an egg. That’s called pippin.” – Alex

“It looked really cute when it was first hatched” – Freya

On Thursday it was outdoor classroom day. We had so much fun using natural materials to make stroy boards, using some clay and natural materials to make a model of a character or animal and then making a home for our creations!

We also played rounders with P3/4. It was a very busy day and everyone had so much fun out in the sunshine!

“My favourite bit was making the models” – Kianna

“I was a bit hard to play rounders to begin with but once I got the hang of it it was so much fun” – Lexi

“I enjoyed making a house out of natural materials with Kacie and Saffron” – Isla McC.

“I loved making a campsite for my LOL dolls” – Amelia

“I liked making a model with some clay and natural materials” – Saffron

“I enjoyed making a house with my friends” – Alfie



P3/4 are very happy to announce the arrival of 16 beautiful chicks to the classroom. Charlotte thinks “they’re cute”. Lhlyaijana “I think they are really adorable”. Hugo said “thinks they are fluffy”.

We also had fun at our outdoor classroom day. Alannah thought “it was fun being outside all day”. Katie said “I loved building houses out of natural material”.

Ollie was voted Beaver of the week. Hugo built a dam at Beavers. Lily went to a gymnastics competition in Dundee. Elle has made a pin cushion at stitch club.


Primary 4

Continuing with our first aid, P4 had fun learning how to correctly use a defibrillator. A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart through the chest. Douglas and Anna demonstrated how to call 999 and begin CPR. We now know where defibrillators are available in our local area. Cullen enjoyed playing a casualty and was safely wrapped in a vacuum mattress. Summer also had her arm kept secure in a vacuum arm splint.

“I’ve kept practicing my DR ABC at home” Douglas

“I felt squished inside because of the straps holding me in” Cullen

“My arm felt tight” Summer

We were visited by Smoking Matters to learn more about the lungs and the importance of keeping them healthy. Hanna and Harrison became scientists and explored the chemicals contained within cigarettes, Finlay was shocked to see the impact of smoking on the aging process and we all experienced shortness of breath by using a special that mimics a smokers lungs.

“I couldn’t believe the ingredients in cigarettes, they are disgusting” Hanna and Harrison “I had so many wrinkles and dark patches on my skin” Finlay

Ruby and Reece’s gymnastics team won second at their floor and vault competition in Kilmarnock. They shared their shiny medals, well done!


Primary 4/5

This week we have been learning about space travel as part of our Transport Topic. We watched a documentary about the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster. Rosie – “I felt sad for the crew who died”. Kyla – “The disaster happened in 1986”.

On Outdoor Classroom Day we enjoyed taking part in a scavenger hunt with Mr Maxwell and P6.


Primary 5

On Thursday we did a timeline outside. We had to draw a long line with chalk then set the paper cards with Scottish history in the correct order. Some cards were close together and others were a distance apart. We have also been making imaginary land maps.


Primary 5/6

We have had a really busy week in P5/6. Miss Eighteen started working with us this week and will be in our class for 5 weeks. We took part in Outdoor Learning day on Thursday. We were learning about making music outdoors. After break we went to the park and in the afternoon we made outdoor artwork inspired by a local artist. We also did a scavenger hunt. Today we are having a Royal Wedding Street party and are going to do some ‘Big Art’ … watch this space for photographs!

Primary 6

We have had a fun-filled week in Primary Six this week! On Tuesday, we took part in Sport activities with Lewis and we played a selection of games. On Thursday, we had a lot of fun taking part in the Outdoor Learning day.

“I enjoyed climbing trees in the Nature Garden.” (Connor)

“I liked helping P1 and P1/2 plant trees.” (Isla A)

“I enjoyed taking part in the scavenger hunt with P4/5.” (Jayden)

“I was doing a bark rubbing art activity.” (Daniel P)

“It was fun having to look for an insect for the scavenger hunt.” (Elise)
“On Tuesday, we spoke about Bulgarian food and recipes with Neve’s Mum.” (Sami)

“We were making kites for the International Kite Festival in France.” (Mia)


Primary 6/7

We started our new class project of the ‘The Apprentice’. We are learning about business. Then we had to design new packaging for a chocolate bar.

We took part in a number of different sporting activities for our ‘Superscot’. These were 800m, cricket ball throw, football kick and catch.

Casey took part in a gymnastics competition in Perth. Callie took part in a dance exam in Ayr. Leah has started street dancing at CDHS.


Primary 7

This week pupils had lots of fun at Carlingwark for a day of Watersports. “I had fun sailing with Mrs. Milligan” – Charlie. “It was a bit scary when Cormac was shaking the boat, I thought I was going to fall in!” – Taylor. “I found Kayaking really interesting. It’s a skill I never knew I had!” – Rhianna. Nicole said “There were loads of interesting things under the water”.

We also made some temporary art by weaving plants and flower.” I found it hard to weave it through but once I did I found it really fun choosing the plants and flowers” said Marisa.


Primary 1Friday 25th May – story time session 2.15pm.

Primary1/2- Wednesday 23 May – story time session at 2.30p.m. Come along and share stories with the class.

Primary 2/3 – Please bring P.E. Kits on a Monday. Now the warm weather is here it would be helpful please send a water bottle in with your child.

Primary 4

Primary 5/6 – P6 age children please remember to bring Operation Safety permission slips for Monday

Primary 6/7-Class talks begin on Thursday.

P6’s at Operation Safety all day on Wednesday.

Paul Jones week 2 at Dalry on Wednesday. Our boys and girls football teams began the Stewartry Paul Jones competition on Wednesday. The boys won all 4 games but the girls unfortunately did not pick up a win.

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