Castle Douglas Primary and Early Learning and Childcare Centre

This is my school and I love it here!

Weekly News – June 3rd


This Week’s News

In P1a this week we had Lexi’s mummy in our class to talk about looking after a baby. Katie – “Babies need baths.” Kelvin – “Keep changing the baby’s nappies.” Thank you Lexi’s mum from P1a.

Alfie and Kelvin won a football trophy when they played a competition for Threave Rovers – well done boys.


This week in P2a we have been looking at the story The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. We have completed book reports and sequenced the sky correctly.  In maths we have been counting in tens and units.

Jack – “It was funny when the seagulls didn’t like mustard sandwiches in the story.” Jake – “I think tens and units are easy.”


This week in P3 we have been doing information and data handling. We share our assembly. And Molly really enjoyed it. Lexie really liked doing the actions. We wrote acrostic poems about summer and played games outside.


P3/4 are making progress painting their wellies. Looking great – but not quite ready to plant.  They should be ready to view and buy at Parent’s Night on the 8th June.
This week in P4 we have been learning about the importance of sleep and relaxation. We did some fun yoga activities in class.  We have also been working hard on our mental maths.  Next week we will be starting to learn about the Olympic Games.


This week P4/5 have been looking at data handling. We made bar graphs on the computer and also made Venn and Carroll diagrams.  We have planted spinach, tomatoes, cress and peas.  We can’t wait to track their growth.

Daniel says “I liked planting the spinach seeds but it was quite difficult to follow the instructions.”

Rory says “I was pleased this week because I got 10/10 on my Accelerated reader test for Flat Stanley.

Ryan K says “It takes 40 years to grow an acorn tree. I found this out from my info trail book.”


Our challenge in P5 this week was to reach New York in our Daily Mile Challenge. As a class we travelled 209.25 miles which means we made it!  We have now reached Europe, Asia, Africa and now North America.  Can we reach South America?  We have started a new mini topic on Electricity with Miss Solley.


This week in P6/7 the P7’s have been finishing off their My Merit profiles for High School and working on their solo talks. In maths we have been learning how to calculate Time, Distance and Speed.  We enjoyed practising our Sports Day events.

Primary 7 have been working on their solo talks and also personal challenge activities based on the Olympic Games. Outwith school Jake passed his PADI Open Water Scuba Diving Licence. Fiona represented the school at Golf and Amelia was 2nd in a ballet event (Grade 4) in Glasgow.


The school’s Netball team are playing at Crossmichael, they have won 9 out of 12 games so far with 2 weeks to go. Our boys and girls football teams are also involved in weekly matches for the Paul Jones Trophy. Both teams are trying very hard and we will find out soon whether they will reach the final or not.


A reminder that the school welcomes news on Wider Achievement – ‘big and small’ activities and achievements that happen out of school, e.g. a pupil has baked a cake for the first time, can now tie their shoelaces, swam a length of the pool, won an award for a sport, etc

Please send in an email (photos also welcome) or a note so we can add wider achievements to Good Work folders. Pupils in p4-7 can add photos and comments directly in to their My Merit (online portfolio) pages.



Next Week’s News

P1a – Thursday 9th June we are going on a visit to Tesco.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather that day Thanks.

Parent’s Evening 8th June 5:30pm – 7:15pm

Rag Bag Collection 9th June

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