Our Sprint Relay Team. They won third place for small schools. Very well done!
Blog to share learning of small, Scottish rural school
Here is a video with some parts of Mrs Davis’s Leaving Assembly. Good luck Mrs Davis and thanks for your efforts.
We’re into the second week of the holidays now and I hope everyone is having a good break.
Here are some ideas if you would like a little project to work on:
Any work can be presented on the first week back.
Enjoy the rest of your break.
We were out for the eclipse on Friday and managed to experience how it got cooler and darker. Thanks to Mr Davies for some of these lovely pictures.
Here are some pics and videos from Lockerbie Manor. More to follow.
We’re taking part in Digital Learning Week tomorrow. P5-7 and Mr Archibald are hosting a Learnmeet on Glow TV which is open for all schools in Scotland to join us on. We’re hoping to share some of our digital learning.
Although parents won’t be able to join this live, we’re going to have another iCoffee Afternoon near the end of term where we hope to screen a recording there for anyone who wants to see how it went.
There’s been a lot going on since the start of the year. Here are some pictures to give you an idea. Well done to all of those who have taken part, tried their best, gained medals, certificates, trophies and represented the School.
Here are some lovely photographs, taken by Mr McBain, of the Burns Supper held at the Village Hall on Friday night.
Everyone had a great time. The pupils were on great form and provided an evening of entertainment. The PFA also worked really hard to feed the 100 guests, keep them from getting thirsty, not to mention a brilliant raffle that topped off a fine evening.
Mrs Turnbull and Mr Archibald would like to say well done to all who contributed for their efforts and thanks again to all helpers and to Mr McBain for the great photos.
Due to no electricity, Brydekirk Primary will not open today.
Apologies for inconvenience.