All parents are invited to an Information Evening, to be held on Wednesday 4th December from 6.00 to 7.00 pm in school.

The Staff will give an update on our Rationale, Plans for the Year and also how we are now approaching Spelling, Maths and Profiling given the introduction of new Technology.

This is for all parents from P1-7 and also any pupils from P5-7 that can make it along.

Thanks again for your support.

iCoffee Afternoon 2

This Monday at 13.30 until 14.30 we are holding our second iCoffee Afternoon for any members of the community interested in getting help or learning more about technology. The focus will be an introduction to the internet and also email. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday afternoon.

Tag rugby

Ten members of the school took part in the annual Tag Rugby Tournament held by Annan Rugby Club at Violetbank. This was following some in school coaching from Mr Henderson who kindly gave up his time on a Wednesday to share his expertise, thanks very much.

All children involved enjoyed the experience and Mr McBain has taken some more great pictures, thanks again, including the one above. Also, thanks to Mrs Robson for organising the strips.

This tournament made it onto Annandale TV, check out the story here.

Ellie, who has been injured, made this:

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”480″ height=”260″ allowfullscreen=”true” /]
If the video above is blank, click here.


The P7 started to plan the Halloween disco in early October. My name is Duncan from Brydekirk Primary, I am a P7  and I will be writing about the Halloween disco the P7 made. It was very hard to plan the disco as we had to plan when it was going to be what time it was who was coming when it ended etc. We did a who can make the best pumpkin competition it was a huge success. I was the DJ. Everyone enjoyed it. The whole thing was a success and we tidied up afterwords.


Saskia has been going to sewing lessons in her free time.  She is becoming fantastic at sewing and brought in a pillow cover she made to show everyone at school.  It is very well made and has a lovely design and bright colours.  Declan has also been learning to sew and brought in a fantastic halloween bag he made.

Great work!

They look fantastic
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