Electricity Animations
Star Awards
Weekly Timetable 3rd October 2011
New Banners
The section at the top which usually says ‘Brydekirk Primary Newsworld’ is called the Header Banner.
As P4-7 are working on a new topic we decided to design some news ones, which I’ve included below.
Each time a page is loaded the banner is chosen randomly. I’ve kept one from last year – Abbie’s – as it was a lovely design and she was the only P7 to leave the school.
This year P4-7 have started learning about electricity. Here is a little taste of some of our work.
Weekly Timetable 26th September 2011
Walk to School Week
This will begin on Monday 3rd October and run through to Friday 7th October inclusive. The intention of this initiative is to encourage pupils to walk or cycle to and from school, where it is safe to do so.
Dates for your Diary
Mind Maps
P4-7 learned how to mind map and then made one about themselves.