Easter Holiday

We’re into the second week of the holidays now and I hope everyone is having a good break.

Here are some ideas if you would like a little project to work on:

  • Illustrate/learn/animate/rewrite the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
  • Do a spring science project.
  • Find out about the wildlife around where you live and make a poster.
  • Make or do something about Easter.
  • Otherwise do something of your choosing

Any work can be presented on the first week back.

Enjoy the rest of your break.

Cross Country at Lochmaben

Our P4-7 pupils took part in the annual Cross Country Competition at Lochmaben. All did their best and represented the school well. We also managed to win some medals and trophies, well done to:
P4/5 Small Schools girls first place, Sarah
P4/5 Small Schools girls team first place, Sarah, Molly and Aiva
P4/5 Small Schools boys team first place, James C, Douglas and Daniel
P6/7 Small Schools girls first place, Emily
P6/7 Small Schools boys second and third place Adam and Mark
P6/7 Small Schools girls team first place, Emily, Saskia and Anya
P6/7 Small Schools boys team first place, Adam, Mark and James M

Emily also received a shield for Most Meritorious Performance, which is the second time a pupil from this school has been awarded the prize. Very well done.

The pupils did well due to the hard work they put in during preparation and learned a valuable lesson in life: effort during preparation = results.

Thanks to Mrs Mannall, Mrs Foster and the team for another well ran event.

There are some lovely pictures on Annandale & Eskdale Active School and Community Facebook page here.

Here are some pics from the cross country:

Digital Learning Week

We’re taking part in Digital Learning Week tomorrow. P5-7 and Mr Archibald are hosting a Learnmeet on Glow TV which is open for all schools in Scotland to join us on. We’re hoping to share some of our digital learning.

Although parents won’t be able to join this live, we’re going to have another iCoffee Afternoon near the end of term where we hope to screen a recording there for anyone who wants to see how it went.

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