Category Archives: P1 Ms Rossvoll

Mild – Numeracy – In a minute!

What do you think you can do in a minute?

Have a go at these challenges!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning to add and subtract.

You have used blocks or numicon or buttons or fingers to work out the answer.

Let’s begin to see if we can learn to remember number facts, quickly!

Like a workout for the brain. The more you practise the better you will become at remembering number facts. Your brain will be able to tell you the fact quickly when you need it!

For example as soon as you see

1 + 1 = you know that the answer is 2.

It just pops up in your brain!

The challenge is to see how many answers you can remember in a minute!

In this sway there are sets of cards to help you practise against the clock! Take a moment to study the minute hand on a clock.

  • Doubles
  • Stories of 10
  • Adding on 2
  • Adding on 3
  • Adding on 4 etc.

These are examples of sheets that you could look at to challenge yourself, they don’t need to be printed and filled in

Every now and again have a go at one of the columns or groups of facts to give your brain a mental maths work out!

Number Bond Challenges

Number Bonds – these are numbers that add together to make another, learning number bonds, number stories, facts, helps to improve mental maths agility.

Add three numbers – number bonds to 20

Subtraction from 10 

or visit – Hit the Button!

or Daily 10 for timed challenges!




Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN – Trailer


We asked you to create the poster for this week’s Big Night In. 

Get your posters up and get excited. 

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN is coming to you Live in your Home from 7pm on Friday 22nd May. 

Here is the Trailer it is only 4 days away!

The Show will begin at 7pm on Youtube. Like a premiere you can have the link open waiting but the video wont begin till 7pm. 

Afterwards you can watch it at anytime over the weekend and the answers will be posted on the Monday. 

Since the show is on Youtube you can watch from your Game Console, Smart TV, Phone, Tablet, Laptop and Computer. 

We can’t wait to share with you the work the community of Methlick have put into this special night! 

Mild Literacy and HWB – Under The Same Sky

It is lovely to think that we are all under the same sky even though we may be far away from those we care about and miss.

Use a calendar and clock to check the date and time.

Inside and outside look up to the sky!

Talk about what you see:

  • colours, shapes, movements, position of the sun (never look directly at the sun)

Think and wonder why you:

  • feel, hear, smell and possibly even taste something!

Talk about what you see think and wonder in this book.

Write lists of describing words, adjectives to use when you write about the sky.

Can you collect some photographs of the sky between 10 o’clock and 12 noon and share with your teacher?

Numeracy and HWB – Plan your Learning for Health Week 1

During the next fortnight we will be learning about time across the school. Take a look at the timetable for Week 1 of ‘Health Fortnight’.

Haven’t Miss Deans and the Health Group been busy planning an action packed ‘Health Fortnight’ for us?

Calendars and timetables can help you plan what you would like to do when.

Take a look at this timetable – it is for children who are interested in taking part in the mild challenges.


It uses pictures to show when the mild literacy and numeracy learning activities will be shared this week.

Did you notice that it has a blank column?

This is for filling with learning ideas? Having an interest, a hobby, a craft, a sport that you love doing, learning more about can help to make you very happy. That makes this column very important. I can’t wait to find out what ideas everyone has.

How are you going to plan what you will learn to do this week? 

I got a shock last week when I looked at how many steps I had taken each day. I was spending far too much time sitting and looking at a computer screen. I often work in the kitchen because the internet signal is best in there but I am far too close to the kettle and the biscuit tin! No walking and too many snacks!

Clearly I was not looking after my health and was not very good at planning my time so I have had a go at writing out a timetable for this week.

Can you see what I am planning to make more time to do?

I know that I need to make the effort to walk more and eat more healthy snacks. I am feeling quite calm and positive now that I have a plan. I will update you with my progress on Wednesday.

Here are some blank timetables for you to plan with. 

If it’s not possible to print the timetable have a go at designing your own, much more fun!

The Methlick School Spelling Bee!

Time to get your Spelling Bee Hat on

and challenge yourself to take part in…..

The Methlick School Spelling Bee!

These are the levels you can move up through –

10 words for each level!

A maximum score of 50

Anyone can have a go!

Score Sheet – click to open a PDF to download and mark your score on

The sheets we have been using to learn about the ‘ee’ sound are attached below, just incase you want to ‘brush up’ your skills before you start!

Dandelion Level

Long vowel ee sound

Bee Level

Long vowel ee sound ea

Honey Level

Long vowel ee sound at the end y or ey

Hive Level

We have been learning about the parts of the bee by listening to the Campbell Family, reading for information about bees and to label diagrams with Mr Mutch. By doing this you have been learning to sound out and read and write these words. This level will ask you to spell some of the bee’s body parts.

Queen Bee Gold Level

The parts of any living thing can be called it’s anatomy. Find out more information about the anatomy of a bee on this site. This level will ask you to spell some of these specialist words. Remember your spelling strategies.

  • Break the words into syllables.
  • Look for smaller words within the big words.

HWB – Mild – BEE Kind Badge Design

During Eco fortnight we have encouraged you to

  • wander in the wild and wonder
  • learn about dandelions and bees
  • think about the wellbeing of bees
  • take part in the Pollinator Promise


Our final health and wellbeing challenge is

to design a badge that we could use on the blog to encourage others to keep dandelions and grow pollinators

  1. THINK about the things you have learned that we need to do to be kind to bees.
  2. WRITE a BEE KIND Checklist
  3. PLAN your design to include the items on your BEE KIND Checklist
  4. CREATE!

We are really looking forward to seeing your designs.

Go for it BUSY BEES!

If you need some ideas to get you started have a look at the SWAY.

Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #4


The teachers are back and this time they are back outside.


Last week’s challenge was really hard but we can tell most people certainly had a growth mindset and took on the power of ‘YET’. Families were messaging saying that they were spending the whole week trying and trying again. Even though some of you didn’t manage it is important to know that you never gave up. Maybe, one day you will be able to build the tower.

This week we learn about how Mr.Reid is getting on in lock down. I wonder how he is feeling?

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid @ Methlick #4 

This Week’s Challenge 


You will have 60 seconds to skip as many times as possible on the sport.

Enjoy this week’s episode and don’t forget to send in your scores and find out where you place on the leader board next week.