Tag Archives: pollinator promise

HWB – Mild – BEE Kind Badge Design

During Eco fortnight we have encouraged you to

  • wander in the wild and wonder
  • learn about dandelions and bees
  • think about the wellbeing of bees
  • take part in the Pollinator Promise


Our final health and wellbeing challenge is

to design a badge that we could use on the blog to encourage others to keep dandelions and grow pollinators

  1. THINK about the things you have learned that we need to do to be kind to bees.
  2. WRITE a BEE KIND Checklist
  3. PLAN your design to include the items on your BEE KIND Checklist
  4. CREATE!

We are really looking forward to seeing your designs.

Go for it BUSY BEES!

If you need some ideas to get you started have a look at the SWAY.