Category Archives: Glow and Office 365

Profiling : Tile Update


We met with RM at the Scottish Learning Festival and robustly enquired to when the tile would be available. RM responded that they were being delayed by Microsoft who have to provide them with the code required to allow the tile to be included onto our site. They are expecting the code to be released this month (October) with the tile completed by November. We can only apologise for the delay.

However…it is very simple to create a OneNote document in Glow or on the desktop and pupils can then record achievements.  When the tile is available the pupils could continue with one they may have created or transfer to the automatically created profile when the tile is selected.

We have and are continuing to run O365 twilights this term.

If you require any further advice or help then please contact Jim or Susan


P1 Pupil Glow Accounts

Please be aware that a problem has been detected with all our P1 Glow Accounts for pupils that attended an Aberdeenshire Nursery.

These accounts are causing an error and can be found in the School Transfer Log in the Management Console.

Seemis and Glow are currently working on a fix and once resolved I will e-mail all schools.

Until then I am afraid that calls cannot be logged for CC4 access or Glow access.


Learning Resources in Glow or the Education Scotland Website


Many hundreds possibly thousands of resources can be found in Glow or on  the Education Scotland website to help in every age and stage of the curriculum.

Click here to access a professional learning resource that has been designed to support the vibrations and waves line of the development within the sciences experiences and outcomes

Or need a resource on Haunted Scottish Castles? Click here , if you dare !

There is a link on the Aberdeenshire Council and Aberdeenshire Staff Glow sites to take you to the National Glow site, where you can then search for thousands of resources



aberdeenshire events

A number of dates have been added or are in the process of being added to to the Aberdeenshire Events web pages for :

Glow and Office 365 twilights,
TeachIT (in remaining clusters)
Tablets (Whole day Ipads in Learning sessions at Hill of Banchory) .

Please browse through the events we are organising and if there is a twilight or session that captures you interest then please let your line manager know and register online.


SMART Notebook 2015

If your school has recently purchased a SMART Board or SMART Panel then you can log a call with Ask Fred for SMART Notebook 2015.

The SMART Board or SMART Panel comes with 4 licences for the new software and we would advise the following:

  • One licence for the Classroom PC attached to the new board or panel
  • One licence for the Teacher in the Classroom to install the software at home
  • Two additional licences to be used in the school, possibly a staff base

We are keen that these licences are used and not wasted because they only have a 3 year shelf life.

Once the Free 3 Year licence expires then the software remains as it is with no further updates. If the schools choose to purchase the licence then they will be entitled to software updates.

If you need to find out licence key info then please log a call with:


Glow Data Feed in Seemis (Office Staff)

Last year we were lucky because the National Seemis team pulled through all the Year Groups and Class Sets to Glow.

This meant that it was easy to view usernames for all Year Groups and Class Sets.

It was possible to bulk reset passwords.

To make this possible you will need to action this in the Glow Data feed in Seemis.

Please click on the link below to access guidance notes re this procedure.

As always, please log a call with myself if you encounter any issues with the above process.

Glow_Data_Feed          Help Guide


OneNote Profiling

It is great to report that at last we can see the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the installation of the tile into RM unify that will allow a profiling template to be automatically generated.
Light at the end of the tunnel
The Learning Through Technology team met with RM on Friday. The delay has been caused by Microsoft , but Microsoft are  at last to release the API tools ( tools that allow RM to insert and amend code) that will allow the tile to be made available. Microsoft will release the tools in the next 2 weeks then RM tell us there will be a development time of around 10 days and we will be good to go….at last.

In the meantime simply continue to record any profiling evidence for learners to store in their personal OneDrive account, or in their My Work folder on the school server, ready to load into template.

Free Office Software for School AND Home

Glow users can now download 5 copies of Microsoft Office. This can be done by clicking on the Download Office Now tile on RM Unify. This tile can be found by scrolling through RM Unify using the arrows on the right hand side of the page (see pic below).

Office can be downloaded on Windows, Mac and Mobile Devices. Office 365 ProPlus is also available for Tablet and Mobile phone users

Apple Mac users now get Office 2015 for Mac

Guidance , prepared by the Scottish Government can be found here: 

If you cannot see the Download tile from your Shared Launchpad, please contact Jim or Susan (In Shared Launchpad scroll to the very end of the available tiles)

Technology Impact Review

Education Scotland launched the Technologies Impact Review and the National Technologies Network (NTN) on the 9th of March. In the document they report that the concept which emerged from the review is of ‘digital technologies at the heart of learning’

The publication and presentations from the launch event can be found at the link below

Changes to Glow Login page

Returning Glow users from the summer holidays will notice that the Glow login page has been completely updated and refreshed:-

  • The Username and Password fields are now much larger
  • There is a bigger Sign-In button – This change and the one above will make it easier for younger pupils to log on
  • There are less links on the page, making the screen clearer and less cluttered
  • There is a new purple background colour scheme in-line with the Glow branding guidelines
  • There is a new, improved @GlowScot Twitter feed
  • There is a new Service status button which takes you to the Glow Service Status page on Glow Connect for information about known issues and service updates

There are no changes to the URL, users should continue to go to to sign in.

For up to date GLOW news please  visit Glow Connect