SPTC News e-update – September 2014

SPTC News e-update
September 2014

Welcome to the latest update from SPTC – as we’re sure you’re aware we are busy preparing for the Scottish Learning Festival opening tomorrow! We’ve got loads of other updates to share with you though – read on to find out more.

Scottish Learning Festival
Tomorrow the Scottish Learning Festival will feature it’s first stand dedicated to parents. Parents Connect is run by ourselves and the National Parent Forum of Scotland and will feature Speakeasy discussion sessions as well as organisations who work with parents and some delicious home baking! We’re also running a prize draw for parents with fantastic prizes donated by John Wilson photography – see details at the bottom of the newsletter. If you would like to join us registration is still open – at no cost. Come and visit us at stand C27 on Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm and Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm.

Parents’ Voice – CfE and Nationals
We’ve just released our new Parents’ Voice survey and this time we want to hear all about your experience with Curriculum for Excellence and the National Qualifications. This survey will run until Friday 17th October – if you would like to sign up to Parents’ Voice and become part of our growing pool of members who inform our decision making then please visit our website.

Gathered Together new and improved website
Our partnership project Gathered Together has rejuvenated their website! You can find resources for parents and parent councils on there with good ideas for those wanting to get more parents involved. Visit the website here.

Competition for parents

At Parents Connect, our stand at the Scottish Learning Festival dedicated to parents, we are teaming up with John Wilson photography to offer a special prize draw to parents and teachers who attend.

1st Prize:  A photoshoot and star pack of individual prints for everyone in one class—worth £22 per pack
2nd Prize:  A panoramic mounted class photo for everyone in one class—worth £14 per photo
3rd Prize: Compact digital camera for the school of the  winner’s choice— worth up to £80

All you need to do is enter your name and contact details – come and chat to one of the team!

Enquire map of services

Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning has released a new resource, a map of services. The map shows services that provide education and family support for children and young people with additional support needs and covers the whole of Scotland – why don’t you have a look here? Or read about the map and why it was implemented on the Enquire website.

New audio conversations

We have added a new service to our website for members – a series of short conversations you can listen to or download to answer some of the frequently asked questions we received about running an effective Parent Council/PTA.
You can listen to ‘Constitutions‘ and ‘Agendas, Minutes and Meetings‘ on our website – any other suggestions for subjects then let us know!

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