Having attended a rural parent council meeting recently and hearing of the success of the above I thought you would like to hear that Arbirlot is moving forward in August offering a similar service to its parents and community.
I have for the last 3 years ran a Parent & Toddler Group at Arbirlot on a Friday morning. This has always been an informal gathering to which all parents are welcome to come have a chat, socialise their younger ones and share issues, aske questions. I have never thought of opening this up to the community until hearing of the success of Strathcafe.
So we are pleased to confirm that as the new term of August 2014 commences each Friday afternoon in the nursery room at Arbirlot we will be holding Arbirlot School Coffee Afternoons each Friday from 1 to 3.15pm. This will run alongside my Parent & Toddler Group and offer parents from the school, community to attend and ask questions, get information, have a cuppa and socialise their younger children at the Parent & Toddler Group as well.
Thanks Mandy Herald
Chair Arbirlot PC