Angus Council Grants Scheme Presentations

Angus Council Grants Scheme Presentations

Angus Council wants more people to hear about the grants it makes available for community and voluntary groups. The external funding team which administers the grants will make two presentations on the schemes available, including the new Angus Events Fund.

Anyone who has not applied to the Angus Council Community Grant Scheme before, or wants to hear more about the new events fund is invited to attend a short presentation followed by a question and answer session.

The first session will take place in Brechin on Thursday 7 June, and the second in Carnoustie on Wednesday 13 June. Both events run from 3.30-4.30pm. 

 Infrastructure Services Convener Councillor Mairi Evans said:

“This is a good opportunity for people who are involved with voluntary and other community-based groups, or who organise events, to find out what grants might be available to them. I would urge people to come along to these events as they offer an invaluable opportunity to see and discuss exactly what’s on offer.”

To book a place, please contact Eddie Findlay, Tel: 01307 473264 or email

Financial Information – Budgets 2012/13

“Information about the Parent Council and School Devolved budgets for 2012/13 has now been emailed to Parent Council Secretaries. If you would like details about this please contact your Parent Council Secretary in the first instance, for any further questions on financial matters please contact Kim McAully ( or Pam Scott (”

Survey from Irene Russell, Education Scotland

Dear Parent Council Member

Children in Scotland is producing a guide for Parent Councils on how to effectively engage the Parent Forum. We would be delighted if you could take part in our research by completing our survey. Its purpose is to find out what mechanisms Parent Councils use to engage parents and how effective they are. We are also seeking examples of good practice to feature in the guide.  There are 19 questions in total.  All responses will be CONFIDENTIAL. Your details WILL NOT be shared. Contact details will only be used to request further information, where required, on any examples of good practice you provide. If you would also like to contact Children in Scotland directly about this, please email .  Full link to the survey is:

Many thanks for your assistance Children in Scotland