Endeavour is a long-term personal topic where everyone in P5/6/7 gets to pick his or her own project. The project has to be ambitious. Endeavour lasts from Christmas to July. My Endeavour was on giant pandas because for my birthday I adopted a panda.
My Endeavour was ambitious because I didn’t know much about giant pandas so I had to learn a lot and do a lot of research.
During my Endeavour I had to get people to help me but I did a lot by myself, I got help from the WWF and Edinburgh Zoo because they gave me a lot of information that I couldn’t find on the internet. The people that helped me were my dad, my mum, Mrs Clark, WWF, Edinburgh Zoo and National Geographic.
For my Endeavour I achieved a sway, an enclosure, a poster, a quiz, description for my enclosure, Chinese Calligraphy, annotated picture of giant panda and a panda cupcake fundraiser. The things I have learned are facts about giant pandas, how to write giant panda in Chinese calligraphy, how to draw giant pandas and skills. The skills I have learned during Endeavour are time management and organisation.
During Endeavour everyone had to overcome problems I had to overcome quite a few problems. My problems were when I had to make my enclosure, my picture, my poster and my quiz. When I was making my enclosure at first I had made it out of a cardboard type thing and the fence was made out of Popsicle sticks and they kept falling over. To fix my problem I re made my enclosure out of wood. My second problem was with my panda picture because when I first attempted it it didn’t work out. My poster problem was that I had completed my poster but then I had facts that weren’t accurate so I had to re do my poster. My final problem was with my quiz the problem was that I had done my quiz on my computer at home but my computer wouldn’t print so I had to re do it at school and print it off.
The thing I found the most difficult was my enclosure because it didn’t work out and it took a very long time. I will try something more challenging next year.