Google Meet With a Marine Biologist

On Monday the 7th, we had a google meet with a marine biologist called Saana and we learnt about all of the things you have to do to be one.

The first thing we learnt about was the engineering involved with it like boats. She told us all about what boats she uses at which time. One of the boats was a wooden yacht that has everything you need to do her job.

The second thing that we learnt was the communication of sea mammals. We learnt that seals clap there flippers to make a “clap” noise and that dolphins jump out of the water to play and sometimes to communicate.

The third thing that we learnt was her career. We asked questions about stuff like ” How long does it take to get a career on marine biology?”  We found out that you need a degree to learn all about it.    We found out she needs to ask good questions and then do research to find the answers.  She works with the navy to check they are not damaging animals with sonar under the water.  Tracking sea mammals is tricky and they have long poles they use to get trackers on the whales.  It sounds like being a marine biologist is really interesting.



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