Port Ellen juniors is is ran by Grant, Alan, Robert, Joe, Ben and Donald. It is at Bowmore, Astor-tough pitch at 6;00 pm to 7;00 pm. It is so kids learn to get good at football.
The people in my team are James, William, Finlay, Ben, Callum, Cara, Mya, Katie, Kaley and Robyn. The goalies are normally Clallam and James our best player is Finlay. If someone touches the ball with their hands the person sanitizes and we get a new ball.
The bigger ones play 7;00 to 8;00. it is interesting to watch them play because they play super well and you can get tips off of them, and they play all across the pitch I’ve played a couple of times with them and it is quite hard with small legs.
By Dylan 131 words