We have been using our Castle art to create Gaelic Poetry using the vocabulary we have been learning. Our poems were written as if we were the castle; how we felt, what we looked like. We wrote the poems out and then used Chatterpix to record our poetry. Here is Caitidh’s poem:
Is mise Dùn Naomhaig, I am called Dunyvaig,
Tha mi làidir, tha mi stoirm, I am strong, I am stormy,
Tha mi dubh agus donn, I am black and brown,
Tha mi seachd ceud bliadhna, I am seven hundred years old,
Tha mi fuar agus fliuch, I am cold and wet,
Tha mi brònach, tha mi garbh, I am sad, I am wild,
Tha mi mòr, tha mi fada, I am big, I am long,
Tha mi dorcha. I am dark.