Wordsmith Holly ‘seas’ off the competition

Holly Smith, first year student of Lochgilphead High School, was selected out of 74,000 entries to take part in the next stage of the Chris Evans’ 500 Word Short Story competition.
The nationwide competition held by the Radio 2 breakfast show was open to any pupil under the age of 14 that could invent an imaginative storyline. Holly came up with the concept of her story whilst doing a class exercise in English, and her piece was specially chosen to be included in the shortlist of the top 50 entrants.
Continue reading Wordsmith Holly ‘seas’ off the competition

Celebration of Art Exhibition at John Logie Baird

Last week we held Our Celebration of Art exhibition in school. Since late November we have been working closely with our Local Art Group to provide quality learning experiences for our children through the medium of art.
Teachers planned a series of lessons that built in problem solving, creativity, discovery, challenge and in some cases maths!

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Springwatch at Small Isles

Our chicks are keeping Mum and Dad busy feeding. They have started to grow feathers on their heads and they look like aliens. We are not sure whether one has died as we can only see six open beaks. They’re very interesting to watch. Mum doesn’t sit on them any more because she doesn’t have time to – they are taking lots of feeding.
From Molly Fletcher (P6) and Finlay MacDonald (P4)

Rothesay Primary winners dine with style.

On Friday 7th June, Primary 6 of Rothesay Primary School were in for a treat when we were served a delicious lunch made by the wonderful school kitchen at the joint campus. We had won a menu competition as part of the eatBute festival last month/ the competition was judged by Jeremy Lee, presented of the Great British Menu. Jeremy, who loved going around the country, was at Mount Stuart for the prize giving and to teach people about foraging. Continue reading Rothesay Primary winners dine with style.

Dalmally Primary Goes Green!

On Friday 3rd June all the children at Dalmally School came to school wearing green in order to take part in some Eco-schools activities.
Each class took part in three different activities. Some helped design and make an Eco-House, some made outdoor ladybird dominoes, and some made an Eco-mascot outdoors from materials they found.
Take a look at our photos!

Continue reading Dalmally Primary Goes Green!

Let The Battle Begin!

It was no ordinary Sports Day at Sandbank Primary as this year the children took part in a Highland Games competing in their Clans. The opening ceremony got the Games off to a great start. Led by pipers, the Clans waved their banners as they sang and marched to Highland Cathedral.
Then it was off to the competitions which included various running and jumping events, hammer throwing, shot put and of course tossing the caber!

Continue reading Let The Battle Begin!

Achahoish Beach Clean

We spent two afternoons cleaning rubbish off the beaches along our coast with the help of our mums and dads. We were joined by Lochgilphead P6&7 on Thursday afternoon. We had our packed lunches on the beach and it was so hot we got to paddle. We gathered 19 bags of rubbish together and we all got along fantastically. We would love you to come back again soon. It was a great day thanks to the sunshine and good company.
Arasi – P4

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Achahoish Host Mid-Argyll Inter-School Sports Day

The sun shone, the sea breeze kept the midges away and we had the perfect day for inter-sports to take place. Ashfield, Glassary and Tayvallich came to our school to take part in a round-robin set of events and three flat races. Parents enjoyed tea and coffee and hot off the girdle pancakes served by our Parent Council. We all had great fun and thank you to Mrs Floyd and all the children, parents and family who came from other schools to our event.
Connor – P7

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Easdale School collects for Malawi

The children in Easdale Primary kindly donated a range of stationary including pencils, rubbers, rulers and jotters to Emma Ainsley a former pupil at school. Emma, currently a third year student at Glasgow University, is a member of the charity Student Volunteers Abroad and is taking part in a ten week project in the township of Nancholi in southern Malawi. Emma will be teaching in schools throughout the township. Emma has promised to come back into Easdale School in the new school year to give us feedback on the project and show us some photos.

Geocaching blog

This term, Primary 5-7 pupils took part on Geocaching activities in and around our local countryside. Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which pupils who took part had to use GPS navigational devices to hide and seek containers called ‘geocaches’. Each cache contained a log book which was signed and dated on discovery using our official code name ‘Hermi-trailers’; some of the larger caches we found also had trade-able items inside and we placed a track-able item inside one of our caches -its mission: ‘to travel as far as possible’.

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Death and the Afterlife

S1/2 in Tobermory completed their RME conferences for this year with a day on the theme of Death and the Afterlife. This could have been a particularly difficult theme to work on but S1/2 participated in the day in a sensitive and thoughtful manner. The group started the morning together discussing why we have funeral services and went to the church where Mr Paton talked through some of the ways in which people deal with loss and how a funeral might look in the Church of Scotland and how funerals have changed over the years. Continue reading Death and the Afterlife

Bee Day at Dunoon Primary School

Primary 5 arranged a School “Bee Day” to raise awareness of the need to support the bee population and to raise funds to plant bee friendly flowers and provide some seeds for each pupil in the school to plant in their garden. It was a great day with everyone dressing in yellow and black, a bee outfit or bright flower colours. Pupils sold homemade baking, badges, bookmarks and enjoyed singing bee songs and presenting powerpoints to the classes throughout the day. Continue reading Bee Day at Dunoon Primary School

S2 History pupils get the chance to dig up the past!

On Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May a return visit of around forty S2 Lochgilphead High School History pupils took place at Dun Muirich medieval fort at Tayvallich to take part in an actual archaeological dig, thanks again to the generosity of Kate Moody of Kilmartin House Museum and Roddy Reagan, the archaeologist in charge . The weather was good over the two days, and the minibus swiftly took four runs back and forth to the site, accompanied again by either Mr Wire or Mr Kemp of the Social Subjects Department.
Continue reading S2 History pupils get the chance to dig up the past!

GARELOCHHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL – Awesome Ardroy Adventures!!

Last week pupils from Garelochhead Primary went to Ardroy Outdoor Education centre, Lochgoilhhead for a residential trip.

Working towards their ‘John Muir’ award, they focussed on the adventurous discovery and exploration of wild places, and actively conserved areas of woodland.
Other outdoor activities included gorge walking, abseiling, night orienteering and negotiating their way through a labyrinth.
It was a super weekend, thank you Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre! Continue reading GARELOCHHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL – Awesome Ardroy Adventures!!

Edmodo Joint Project with Cardross and Rosneath

Cardross and Rosneath Primary have formed a joint Edmodo group this term. The pupils in P5 & P6 and their teachers, Miss Boyd and Miss Travers, have been moderating writing, setting each other photo challenges and completing various eco and work projects. We have had great fun and look forward to inviting other schools onboard in the future.

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Our Primary 2/3 class visited the SS Glenlee last Friday. They had a great day dressed as pirates and learning about life on the ocean waves as a pirate. At the end of the afternoon they were sent on a treasure hunt and all came back to school with a “pocket of gold”. Well worth a visit if you are looking for an exciting day out for your class.

Continue reading PRIMARY 2 & 3 VISIT THE SS GLENLEE

Kirn Primary P7 are the Music Business at James Watt College

Kirn Primary P7 are the Music Business at James Watt College We have been working on mixing our own music in school using Garage Band for our space topic, and on Friday 31st May Kirn Primary P7 pupils had an exclusive tour around the Music Department at James Watt College in Greenock. We visited the subterranean drumming studio, the hi-tech mixing studios and the DJ studio to see how music is created and crafted. Continue reading Kirn Primary P7 are the Music Business at James Watt College

Achaleven’s Pop-Up Plant Stall

We have been busy growing plants from seed in the school garden and they have done so well we thought we would sell our extra ones! Thanks to Rosie at Connel Village Store, we had a pop-up plant stall on Friday outside the shop, where plants were available for sale (payment by donation to a box in the shop).
They are mostly tomato plants but there are a few pepper and cucumber plants as well.
Continue reading Achaleven’s Pop-Up Plant Stall