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P5/6/7 Snow Day Activities for Tuesday 1st March 2018

Good morning.

Today for Maths and Numeracy you can continue to work through the sumdog and Heinemann Active Math games allocated on both sites. Also you can make up word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, all centered around the snow.

In Literacy, as it is World Book Day, read your favourite book. Also design a front book cover and back blurb cover for a book about Ancient Egypt. It can be a factual book or fiction. Remember the features to include on the cover: tile, author and picture. Also, on the back there has to be a brief summary of what the book is about. Continue to work on your spelling words, doing the spelling activities we do in class.

If you can get out of your door today, I have another snow challenge which I hope you will take up. Your challenge is to make a 3D snow structure of the sphinx and if possible send the pictures to me the same way as some of you did yesterday. They were really impressive!!

Enjoy the snow day. Keep safe and warm!!!!

Mrs Agini

Primary 1/2 snow day learning – day 2

Thursday 1st March snow day learning:

Use sumdog or education city to practise maths.

Sumdog can also be used to practise spelling – click where it says maths on left hand side and change to spelling.

Today is World Book Day so find a cosy space to read your favourite book.

Create your own Mr Men/Little Miss character about you and illustrate them. For example, I would be Little Miss Hockey. You could even write a story about your character.

Find all the clocks you can in your house and look at the different types. Where are they? Can you draw/make a clock in the snow?

Can you use a ruler or measuring tape to find out how deep the snow day?

Make a list of all the different jobs you can think of. We will use your lists as a starting point for our new health topic.

Look back at yesterday’s post for some other snow activities you could do.

Please send any photos via message to me – I would love to see what you have been up to and will share any photos I received with the rest of the class later today. We will also discuss any of the tasks you have completed when we get back to school.

Again, be safe but have fun! ❄️☃️

P3/4 Snow Day activities

Snow Day Activities:

Build a snowman that looks like you.

Create a weather scene using the natural elements in your garden and/or park. The snow is your canvas!

Write your spelling words in the snow, you could use food colouring to colour the snow or your hands.

Use the internet or books available to research extreme weathers that include snow. is a great search engine for kids.

Use snowballs to do some maths:
– Triangles/Rectangles/Squares: Equal/arrays groups eg. 4 groups of 5 what does that look like and what’s the answer?
– Circles: addition and subtraction eg. If I make 3 snowballs and through 2 how many do I have left?

Warm up with a hot chocolate! Write down instructions for how you made your tasty hot chocolate.

If you complete any activities or do your own learning in the snow I would love to see it! Send me a picture on this post below 😊

Enjoy the snow everyone! Be safe and remember to keep warm when you’re playing outside.❄️⛄️

P1/2 snow day activities

1. Build the biggest snowman you can and measure its height.

2. Write your spelling words in the snow.

3. Write a story titled ‘One Snowy Day’. Make it as imaginative as you can!

4. Draw/paint a snowy picture.

5. Use the internet or any books you have at home to research 3 interesting facts about a polar animal.

6. Use snowballs to do some maths:
P2: equal groups/arrays eg. 3 groups of 5
P1: subtraction eg. Make 6 snowballs. Throw 2. How many left?

7. Warm up after some fun in the snow with a warm drink and a story (read the next section of your class reading book and/or a book of your choice).

If you complete any activities or do your own learning in the snow I would love to see your pictures! Add any pictures to the comments below to share what you have been learning with others.

Whatever you choose do – have fun and stay safe!! ❄️☃️