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A week in Primary 5/6/7

The Jacobite topic is taking shape in P5/6/7, with several displays going up and lots of facts being shared in fact files! Our next step will be to decide on the activities our guests can take part in when they come to our Showcase Afternoon on the 17th March.

Ryan shared photographs of his house being renovated and we were amazed to find out it was built in the time of the Jacobites. We have used the photographs to help us decide on the design of our blackhouse wall in class.

The P7 boys have started to create their life-size canon!

‘It’s messy work but it will look good in the end. It is jet black.’ – Baillie, Willian and Luke.


What have p1/2 been up to this week?

It has been a lovely short week after our long weekend but p1/2 have still been very busy.

We have been learning about hot and cold colours and we have made a castle picture using half hot colours and half cold colours.

In maths, some of the groups have been learning about subtraction and consolidating their learning using  dice games. Others have been learning about the story of 10 using ten frames to help visualise it. We have also been using games on the ipad to help us remember our facts and recall them faster!

We have also been learning about different parts of a castle – for example, battlements around the top of the walls, arrow slits, drawbridge and portcullis, moat and tallest tower called the keep. We are all looking forward to continuing our knight training next week!


P1/2’s week

The boys and girls in primary 1/2 have been very busy this week learning their words for assembly and practicing hard.

We have begun the process of creating a medieval castle in our classroom after receiving a letter from King Arthur inviting us all to become knights in training – we are very excited to begin our training and learn about castles and the life of a knight through this!

In art we have been making some fireworks pictures from chalk as part of our learning about Chinese New Year.

In maths, some of us have been learning about adding two numbers together and remembering their doubles. Others have began to revise learning about subtraction from last year and developing their understanding further.

We are looking forward to sharing our Chinese New Year assembly with you next week.

Gardeners needed!

Part of the requirements to achieve our Eco Schools green flag award is to make good use of the school grounds and to grow some of our own veg, as well as maintaining the garden areas. To do this, we need volunteers to help the committee. If you have green fingers and can maybe spare a couple of hours one morning or afternoon, please contact Ms Ferguson. Thank you!!


This week is book week Scotland and we have enjoyed sharing our favourite books with our friends through show and tell and also reading them with our friends during activities time in the morning. We had a visitor yesterday from Linlithgow Library who shared three stories with us and then asked us to vote for our favourite. The p1s went home with these three books and were looking forward to sharing them with their families.

We have also been very busy making some things to sell at the Christmas fair and we are very excited to show you these next Thursday.

We were listening to The Jungle Book story and we used this to write our own story about living in the jungle. We had some very imaginative stories about playing basketball or football with some of the animals.

Some of the p2s have been learning their spelling words by typing them on a laptop and changing the size and font.

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P1/2 have been very busy this week practising for our class assembly next Wednesday and learning our words. We have been playing instruments to the story of Noah and doing drama based on the story of Grace Darling. We are looking forward to sharing these with you next week.

Tara has been practising her adding up to 5. James has started to learn all about adding two numbers together.

Leah has been learning that a story has to have a beginning, a middle and an end. We have been sequencing the story of Goldilocks and the three bears and have written out own stories with a beginning, middle and end.

In art, we have been creating our own lighthouse pictures using sandpaper and other things to give texture. Alfie enjoyed this art activity!


James has been learning about collage and using this to make a background for a lighthouse picture.

In maths, Josh has been learning about adding two numbers together using his counting skills and Alfie has been learning the stories of 11, 12 and 13.

In RME Elyse has been learning about the story of Noah and Ffion has learned that the story comes from a special book called The Bible.

In assembly, Jack learned about World War One and Isla has learned about what the poppy means.


Monday 2nd November

What fun the children had today making models, painting and gluing firework models! AM children did some drama using Handel’s music from The Royal Fireworks – we were spinning like catherine wheels and zooming like rockets! We made sparkly playdough which we used to make flames for rockets and sparkles on fireworks. We sang our new Fireworks song – the children have all brought a copy home to have some fun with at home. The song provides great opportunities for counting to 10 and back from 10, which is something we have at the maths table just now. The nursery bulletin went home today – please have a read to see what we have planned for this week.