Category Archives: Classes

Friday 2nd October

We talked about the seasons today and what the animals do in the autumn. The music teacher was in nursery – we were keeping a steady beat using the bells, we sang the Bear Hunt Song and moved in time to the music pretending to be dinosaurs – lots of fun! We enjoyed more late summer sun and played with the bikes outside.

Thursday 1st October

Another lovely sunny day so the children made the most of enjoying being outside. We continued the interest in construction using the outdoor environment and natural resources to make a ‘run’ the ball could roll down. We learned more about autumn and talked about an indian summer!

Wednesday 30th September

Another sunny day today so yet more time spent outside having fun. There was a lot of imaginative play happening in the sand pit with birthday cakes and other treats being made, and in the willow shelter which was a space rocket! At group time, morning and afternoon children spent time choosing their new library books which they can take home and enjoy with their families! In the messy room, we used autumnal colours to do our handprints and these are now on display in the big too where we have created a beautiful tree display. Pop in and have a look!

Nursery Tuesday 29th September

We spent a lot of time outdoors today as it was such a beautiful day! The pipes and slate were popular again with groups of children creating channels for balls to go down. They then chose balls of different weights to see which ones would go farthest! Lots of scientific fun! At group time, we looked at ‘sorting’ different things into groups. One group were sorting a set of plastic fish and decided the best way to sort them was into colours. Another group worked with lots of pine cones and came up with different ways of sorting them e.g. small and big, or small, thin and big. Great maths!

Monday 28th September

Today both AM and PM groups went on an autumn walk to find and look for autumn treasures. We found lots of different kinds of leaves, we talked about their shapes and colours. We will use these leaves in maths work (sorting and matching) tomorrow. AM children were pretending to be falling autumn leaves we used music to help us float and tumble to the ground. We were also pretending to be hibernating hedgehogs and squirrels hiding nuts. PM children did some music today, we sang dingle dangle scarecrow. We printed pictures of autumn leaves and used autumn colours.

Thursday 24th September

We had a wonderful day – both AM and PM children made bird feeders AM children hung them on the trees in the nursery garden, PM children will hang them up on Monday. We made them by threading cheerios onto pipe cleaners, we counted how many cheerios we threaded on and can’t wait to see how many the birds have eaten!

Both AM and PM children did gym today, AM with Mr Cox and PM with Mrs Fletcher. We were learning about finding a space of our own, moving in different ways into spaces, balancing bean bags as well as throwing and catching them. Mr Cox worked on spaces and balance using some of the gymnastic equipment.

We continued to explore our autumn topic and talked about the weather especially what happens to the trees when the wind blows. As it was a windy blustery day, PM children went out to the big field and Mrs Fletcher flew her big colourful kite – not massive success as the wind was swirly but we will try again another day. Some of the children wanted to make a kite and fly it too. AM children will get the opportunity to do this tomorrow  – wind allowing.

We heard a story about a windy blustery day in autumn and found out what some of the animals and birds do at this time of year.

The nursery bulletin for this week and next should be sent by email either today or tomorrow or can be collected in paper form from nursery.

Everybody should have received their parents evening appointment today.

Best wishes,

Mrs Fletcher