Category Archives: Classes

P6/7 Investigation continues!!!

This week we have bee continuing our investigation into the Kidnapping of the children from Green Manor. We have been working in our groups on tasks and solving training missions independantly before collaborating in our Investigation groups to solve the assignments sent to us by the Chief of Police. We look forward to sharing our learning at our Showcase assembly on Wednesday 8th March – where we will test your detective powers with mini assignments afterwards in class.

P7 also visited the Risk Factory in Edinburgh on Tuesday morning.

We have continued our development of aspects of story writing. Where we have looked at Characterisation.

In maths we have continued working on multiple operation problems involving decimals and rounding. One group has been exploring working with significant figures also.

In PE we have completed our block of Tennis and will be progressing onto a block of volleyball.

The next few weeks will be exciting for P6/7 with the continuation of our Kidnapped topic and also the redecoration of our learning environment.

Katie-I liked our block of tennis.

Jowita-In maths we have been doing decimals and adding and subtracting in different ways.

Wiktoria- I liked the way we are doing maths, language and writing differently with mixed groups.

Carlotta- For IDL we have been doing kidnapped and I can’t wait to investigate further.

Ryan-For kidnapped we were viewing the interviews on 6 suspects.

Abby – The P7’s went to the risk factory for a trip and it was fun!!!!

Matthew-I really enjoyed our P7 trip to the risk factory because it taught me about different risks and scenarios.

Donnie- I learned how to use significant numbers in maths.

Kai- In maths I learned how to multiply decimals.

Alice-I liked doing Kidnapped I hope we get another e-mail soon!!

Kian-At the risk factory there were so many things to do like videos and scenarios.


Nursery News

This week a number of the children have been enjoying mark making on our new wooden wipe boards. They have been developing their fine motor skills and pre-writing skills by copying the sensory stones’ patterns.

You can also check out some of the other learning that has been happening in the nursery by looking at our updated learning journey on Sway.

Nursery news

Next week’s poem of the week is “Wind the bobbin up” , The children enjoy this song and love doing the actions. You can use the link to view the lyrics and a video of the song to help you sing it with your child.

Please don’t forget to check out our Learning Journey on Sway, it has been updated with some of the experiences the children have enjoyed this week, including Burns Supper.

Poem of the Week

This week’s Nursery poem of the week is:  “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”

FIVE little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

‘No more jumping on the bed!’

FOUR little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

‘No more jumping on the bed!’

THREE little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

‘No more jumping on the bed!’

TWO little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

‘No more jumping on the bed!’

ONE little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

‘No more jumping on the bed!’


Nursery Week beginning 16th January

We are trying out a new way to share the nursery children’s learning journey, it is called sway. We think that it is a great way to share their learning with you. Please have a look and let us know what you think.

As you can see from sway the children have been busy this week continuing to look at how to be safe. In addition to what the learning on sway some children also enjoyed using their ITC skills to play a Paw Patrol game on staying safe. They were great at taking turns because if they all tried to play at once the game would freeze!

If you would like to play the game with your child at home you can copy and paste the  link below.

Nursery week beginning 09/01/17

This week, in the nursery, children have been discussing how to stay safe and what they want to find out about keeping safe. Their thoughts and ideas are being recorded in a floor book, please feel free to browse through it when you are in the nursery. We would also like to encourage you to add any relevant comments, for example if you have had any conversations with your child about how to be safe please feel free to add them in to our floor book.
We discovered the children know a lot of things about keeping safe, many knew you should hold hands when crossing the road. Children also talked about how you should stay away from fire and fireworks to stop you from getting burnt. Alliyah told us that you can also get burnt by the sun, the children decided on hot sunny days you should wear sun cream, sunglasses and a sunhat to keep you safe from the sun – something we probably won’t need to worry about for a while!
Rhys told us yellow was a safe colour and that in a car you wear a seat belt so you do not fall out, Willow also said when in a car you must keep the door shut.
Lots of the children told us you need to put toys away so you do not trip over them. While Erin said you wash your hands to keep safe. Iyla said not to go in to the sea and Isabella said do not go near deep water in case you fall in and drown.
Thinking about keeping safe near water we set up a floating and sinking activity for children. We discussed how if something floated it stayed at or near the top of the water and if it sank it dropped to the bottom. We also spoke about how light objects were more likely to float and heavy objects more likely to sink. Some random objects were placed in a box and the children were asked to predict/guess which items would sink and which would float. They did this by placing them in the ‘float’ or ‘sink’ Tray. We then placed the objects in the water to see if we predicted correctly.

Also this week children enjoyed exploring the snow. Some of the things the children enjoyed were; mark making with sticks and tires in the snow,   looking at their footprints and throwing snowballs at Ms Young!

Some of the children tried to blow up balloons, this was very hard to do.

Nursery news

Children in nursery this week have been enjoying the sunny weather with lots of outdoor play happening each day. The crates have proved to be very popular, with them being turned into trains, cars, hills to climb etc.

Indoors , the children have been learning to take care when washing their snack dishes, as we now have ceramic plates and glass cups. It has only taken a couple of days for all children to learn to be a little more gentle when washing up.

Singing is a daily occurrence at the moment with children enjoying learning the songs from the nativity. Won’t be long now before you will be entertained!

We are still looking for donations for the hamper. If you could hand something in before next Thursday, we should be able to create a very desirable prize to sell raffle tickets for at the fair on Thursday.