Category Archives: Classes

P2 Learning Activities 1-4-20

Hope you are all keeping well. Thank you for the photos of the learning you have been emailing to the school. It would be fabulous if some of  you could share pictures of the bags the children drew for last weeks writing task.

Daily Learning Guide 

See link below for details of Wednesday’s learning activities for you to enjoy. Remember to email the school if you have any questions.

P2 Learning activities 1-4-20 x

Settings, for this weeks writing task – you can print one, use your own picture or your child could draw their own setting.

T-L-1975-Story-Setting-Photo-Prompts (1)

PI Learning Activities 31-3-20

Hope you are all well. Thank you for sharing your learning, please check the ‘Share the Learning’ Sway to see what everyone else is doing.

Today’s Learning Guide Overview

Daily Learning Guide

See link below for details of Tuesday’s learning activities for you to enjoy. Remember to email the school if you have any questions.


Kids Invent Stuff challenge work sheet


P2 Learning Activities 31-3-20

Hope you are all well. Thank you for sharing your learning, please check the ‘Share the Learning’ Sway to see what everyone else is doing.

Daily Learning Guide Overview

Daily Learning Guide

See link below for details of Tuesday’s learning activities for you to enjoy. Remember to email the school if you have any questions.

P2 Learning activities 31-3-20

Kids Invent Stuff Challenege work sheet


Nursery Activities 30-03-20

Good Morning Everybody

If you would like to send in any pictures, photos of what your child has been doing please send them in using our school email address. Which is,uk


Story link for today is The Very Hungry Caterpillar, read by Eric Carle

You can draw your own butterfly and cut it out

Rhyme for the day Caterpillar

Caterpillar on the ground {place your finger on top of your hand}

Caterpillar crawl around {move your finger across your hand}

Hide away in your cocoon {close your hand over the moving finger}

Don’t forget to come back soon.

Butterfly, butterfly flying around {arms out flying round}

Butterfly, butterfly fly to the ground.

Nursery Activities

Good Morning

I hope you are all keeping well

This is a link for some maths games to do with your child. Also you could use the maths sheet in your pack with numbers from 1-10. Ask your child to find 1 sock, 2 books, 3 spoons etc. This will help with their counting skills.

A rhyme for today is

1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive 


Our story is The Zoo Vet


Have fun