Category Archives: P1/2

Free Twinkl Account


To support you during this period, Twinkl is offering every access to all Twinkl resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. This is available to every parent and carer during this period of disruption.

It is a fantastic resource, with lots of different learning activities.

Setting this up is really easy to do – go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS

P1/2 Learning for 23/3/20

Hi everyone,

Mrs Wilkes and I are just getting ready to upload your activities for today’s learning. We will post these on here as soon as possible 🙂 Whilst you are waiting you could try out some of the letter formation activities in your P1/2 packs using your whiteboard pen.  🙂

Mrs Stutt

Healthy Eating and the world of work with Mr Khan

Staff and pupils at Westfield would like to thank Mr Khan for giving up some of his precious time to come and talk to us during our health event.Mr Khan gave a talk to the pupils about his job and how he came to work as a chef. He had also taken the time to prepare a curry dish for the children to sample. He spoke about the creativity involved in being a chef and the variety of flavours that can be created mixing spices.

Whole school healthy picnic

Another successful health week event which nearly passed without the rain calling off play.Pupils, parents, careers and friends joined us today in the school grounds to have a healthy picnic lunch. The sun shone for nearly the whole picnic before we were covered by a cloud and had to retreat into the hall to finish off.Thanks to all who attended and made it such a success.