Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery Wednesday 25th November

There’s a very festive feel permeating the nursery at the moment! We made more personalised baubles as well as lovely button wreath tree decorations that will be on sale at the school Christmas fair. We also practised our nativity songs and are all doing so well with the words and actions!

The weather stayed dry, so both morning and afternoon children managed to have plenty of time to play outside in the fresh air. There were also some kind volunteers in the afternoon who helped us clean the slide and house with warm soapy water! What responsible young citizens they were!

We had a call from Asda Armadale today to say that the nursery has been nominated for their Green Token Fundraising scheme! So, if you are in there shopping, remember to pick up a token and add it to our box as we could win up to £200 for outdoor equipment! Fingers crossed!

Thursday 19th November

AM and PM children were given Adventure Ted today, can’t wait to hear about his adventures over the weekend!

Fairly dry day today so both AM and PM children managed to get out to play in the Nursery Garden. We had the bikes out and made them parking bays,  lots of children loved playing a numbers ladder game on the steps – lots of counting! We are busy making things to sell at the School Christmas Sale – Little Christmas Stockings, Reindeer Food and Baubles (a reminder that if you want to order a bauble then it must be ordered by next Thursday at the latest). The Christmas Fair is Thursday 3rd December from 2pm, lots of enterprise crafts to buy and tea/coffee in the school hall. We have also been busy practicing our Nativity Songs – sounding really lovely.

A reminder that ante-pre school children need either a shepherd or angel costume for the Nativity – please let us know by early next week if this is a problem, thank you.

Monday 16th November 2015

The children are really enjoying the transport theme with lots of pictures created by printing different wheel tracks. We have created a large road map on the wall and hope to add buildings and vehicles to it this week. PM children created an amazing zoo using the large building blocks and added the small world animals – what fun! We heard about Adventure Ted’s weekend from both AM and PM children  – both Ted’s have had a good weekend going to gym club, out on a bike ride and even in a big tractor!

We handed out the poem of the week today – 5 current buns. Please have fun learning this at home with your child, we have been talking about rhyming words and off course lots of opportunities for counting to 5 and back down to 0.

Please remember to send in your bauble orders, thank you.

Nursery: Wednesday 11th November

Today, there were airports being constructed in the sand pit, and the boats and Lego men in the water tray were helped to be more buoyant by adding balloons to them! This led to lots of science talk! We managed to get outside today, with chalk and mud being popular, especially in the afternoon.

The nativity scripts have been sent home, with words highlighted so you know what to practise at home! We also sent home order forms for personalised baubles, which can be ordered now. If these could be returned with payment as soon as possible, we can begin this enterprise project.

Nursery: Tuesday 10th November

Today, morning and afternoon children went outside in the blustery wind to practise safe road crossing. As well as showing that they knew how to cross the road safely (holding an adult’s hand, looking left and right, listening carefully all the time) they also enjoyed taking a close up look at a car – focussing on the hard metal and rubber tyres.

Monday 9th November 2015


New Topic: Transport/Road Safety           Responsive Planning: Role Play area is a shop

AM boys and girls enjoyed playing in the shop, we made shopping list note pads to write down all our shopping! In drama we talked about different types of transport and pretended to move like – tractors, police cars, bikes and vans. We made play dough and used it to make cakes and bread to sell in our shop.

PM children enjoyed using fluorescent paint to make hand prints for our new Road Safety topic. We talked about wearing bright colours so we can be seen if out in the dark. We used Bee Bot to follow directions on a map – we dressed him up as a police car, ambulance, fire engine and pirate ship.

We urgently need old magazines and junk for models, thank you.

The new Newsletter is out today, lots of dates for your diary for events before Christmas. Bulletin is also out today.

Children in Need: wear bright colours – donation £1  Decorate a cake – 20p

Thursday 12th – PM session

Friday 13th – AM session