Nursery Week

Lots of diferent learning has taken place in the Nursery class this week. Some of the learning is detailed below.

Children have been continuing their learn about healthy food (see Sway for more detail).

Children have been busy enjoying learning in the messy area, the new water tray  is proving very popular.

Some children have been using colourful teddies to help them learn about repeated patterns and how they have an order, or rule, that can be followed.

Some pre-school children had vision test this week and  two pupils headed straight to the writing area and started making their own eye tests, the Optometrist was very impressed she commented that she had never known children to do that before!

The children have also been using our new wooden characters to help extend their learning. They enjoy using the characters to retell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Please remember to check out our Sway where you can find out about the children planting broad beans.

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