Tag Archives: Teamwork

Primary 4 and their Pictish Diet

P4 having been looking at Pictish foods as part of their IDL topic this term.

We decided to try our hand at making butter by using ancient technologies. After we had made it, we all had chance to taste some along with oatcakes, another staple of the Pictish diet.


The oatcakes and butter were delicious

P5 Celebrate Burns Day

In Primary 5, we enjoyed researching and making our own family tartan for our Burn’s display.

We enjoyed the Burns Assembly and the yummy shortbread.

We enjoyed learning and reciting our Burn’s poem ‘Up in the Morning Early’. We liked practicing our best Scottish accents!

We were happy for the afterschool clubs to start up this week. We loved the Multi-sports club.


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posted by Logan (Digital Leader)

P4/5 Outdoor Learning

This morning we visited the wooded area of our playground to investigate the biodiversity there. We listed all the living things we found, took lots of photos of them and discussed the conditions that made this a good place for them to live and grow and how theses living things interacted with each other. We also made some tree bark and leaf rubbings.

Did you know to estimate the age of a tree, count the number of rings on the stump, from the centre out?!

We can’t wait to investigate other areas of our playground to see how the biodiversity differs depending on the conditions.

We wonder what we would find if we investigated a river or pond, a beach, a mountain? 🤔

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Toronto’s Virtual Sports Week

Today is Day 3 of Toronto Primary’s Virtual Sport Week!

The challenges for today can be found here: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1325925820564242435

Remember to post your best attempts for each day’s events on your Class Team/SeeSaw/Online Learning Journal, for your score to be counted.

Get all your house team involved, encourage your team mates to take part to boost your house score. The winning house will be decided by the end of the week!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Aldi Kits For School

We were excited to receive a delivery this morning from Aldi. As a result of our whole school community coming together to collect the sports stickers from Aldi last term, we were lucky enough to be rewarded with a kit for our school to supplement our PE and sports. P4 and P5 were very excited to share our reward with the rest of the school today, we can’t wait for the opportunity to make use of the equipment.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped us collect and enabled us to claim this super piece of kit.

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