Tag Archives: Sports

Celebrating All Things Sports at Toronto!

Mrs Black organised a special ‘Sports Assembly’ last week where we came together as a whole school to celebrate our sporting successes and achievements over the last year. Awards were presented to individuals and we celebrated the sporting successes shared through wider achievements outside school as well as in school. We presented certificates of thanks to a number of our partners who have made it possible to offer some of the sports activities we have done this year!

We also said a sad farewell to our Active Schools Coordinator Mrs Livingston, who is moving on to work with a new cluster of primary schools in West Lothian.

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P7 Track and Field Championships

This week Primary 7 attended WL track and Field Championships at Craigswood Sports Centre. There were teams of boys and girls competing in long jump, shot put, 80m, 600m and 4x100m relay.

All pupils gave their best and enjoyed taking part and cheering each other on.

Well done to one of our P7’s who was awarded first place in shot put!

A Busy Week in P7A

This week we worked with our P1 buddies, we had great fun playing in the field.  We had pots and pans and water and we made potions and grass soup.  We played Duck, duck, goose, played with bubbles and had a blether.

In rugby we were learning how to pass the and how to score a try, we had to race against each other.

In Bikeability some of us were learning how to cross the road, do a U-turn and safe start and stop.

When the Bikeability groups were out the rest of P7A learned about the artist Piet Mondrian and we created our own compositions.  Piet Mondrian was a famous artist who developed a style of his own, called neoplasticism. His work became minimalistic. He painted using simple lines, right angles and blocks of primary colours. Mondrian wanted to express a harmony and purity in his work.

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Olympic Torch Ceremony from Olympia-Paris with P5

Primary 5 are learning about the Olympics this term. We have been following the Olympic torch’s journey so far in 2024 starting in Olympia Greece, where the ancient Olympics originated, all the way to Paris for the opening ceremony. We named ourselves after some Greek and French cities, towns and territories, and held our very own Olympic torch ceremony from Olympia-Paris, in our playground!

P4 Multi Sports Festival

Primary 4’s visited Inveralmond Community High School for the cluster sports festival. We participated in four types of sports (football, basketball, dancing and hockey). We played with children from different schools in Livingston. There was also a cool down area where we got to rest and have our snack. We even got to see our old P3 teacher Mrs Kinross! We enjoyed it because it was really fun but we got soaked on the walk back to school. We enjoyed having the opportunity to visit Inveralmond as it might be our future High School!

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P2 Visit to WL College

It was P2’s turn this week to visit West Lothian College for some fun and games.

The children enjoyed the excitement of the bus journey and then had great fun playing the games with the WL College Students. The favourites this week were Duck, Duck Goose, Ladders, Toilet tig and Chaos tig.

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