Tag Archives: Scotland

Liam our Primary 5 piper!

At Toronto PS we are honoured to have our very own little Bagpipe superstar!! Liam began learning his craft on the chanter 3 years ago and has now been playing the bagpipes for around 2 years! We are extremely proud of you Liam, you have an incredible future ahead of you and every single child and adult at TPS couldn’t stop smiling at how far you’ve come! You blew us all away! 🎵


Scottish Family Learning Challenge

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year to you all!!  We hope that you have had a very enjoyable Christmas break and from all of the excited faces we were greeted with on Wednesday, we think it is safe to say that everyone is happy to be back into routine!

As you know, before the holidays we issued a wee Scottish family learning challenge which was to build a 3D model of a Scottish landmark with your family.  Some of you have certainly been busy and we have really enjoyed seeing what you have made so far.  Please ensure that your family creations are sent in to school by Monday the 9th of January so that we can have them ready for displaying…and later judging!   Thanks everyone!  Mrs Simpson
