Tag Archives: School Community

Playground Fun

We are continuing to develop our playground areas to make them fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff are leading games and activities with our children and we are continuing to see the positive impact it is making. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

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Children in Need Danceathon 2022

This year to raise money for Children in Need, we held a “Come as you Please” day and held a P1-7 Danceathon. Pupils and staff came to school wearing whatever they chose – some chose to wear their own clothes, some chose to wear their Pudsey t-shirts and accessories.

We threw some pretty awesome shapes at our Danceathon – the Macarena was definitely a favourite!

We raised a fantastic £149.33 for Children in Need!

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Book Week Open Morning

P4/5 loved having their families in to share in their Literacy learning. We worked on reciprocal reading skills and were able to teach our adults these skills. It was so lovely to share some ERIC time with them too.

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Playground Fun

We have been working to make our playground areas fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff have been leading games and activities with our children and we have seen such a positive impact. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

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P6 Successful Learners

Primary 6 enjoyed watching their introduction to their science topic: Solids, Liquids and Gases. The scientists on YouTube have asked the pupils to investigate a variety of science based questions.
The pupils began creating their own experiments to change the state of a solid. We are excited to see our results when we conduct our experiments next week.

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We also participated in West Lothian’s Euro Qui, with some of our pupils representing our class. They did an amazing job competing against other schools in West Lothian.

P5’s Internet Safety – Social Media

For Internet Safety day, Primary 5 learned the age restrictions for different social media platforms. Firstly, we named different social media platforms and guessed the age restrictions for each. Then, we revealed the true age restrictions. A lot of us were surprised by these age limits. We discussed why we think social media companies set age restrictions and came up with a lot of good reasons and thoughts.

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Posted by Eva Lamond (Digital Leader)

Safer Internet Week

Safer Internet Day was officially on Tuesday 8th February this week, however we wanted to celebrate this for the whole week.

Across our classes this week pupils were learning more about staying safe online, particularly around this year’s theme, ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. The Digital Leaders set assignments on TEAMS and SEESAW for everyone to complete.

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Digital Leaders shared online safety posters with each class to display in their ICT area. and at assembly they also shared their next exciting digital challenge for our learners – task focusing on staying safe online. This competition is going to be our biggest yet, with a very exciting prize!

Toronto’s Virtual Sports Week

Today is Day 3 of Toronto Primary’s Virtual Sport Week!

The challenges for today can be found here: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1325925820564242435

Remember to post your best attempts for each day’s events on your Class Team/SeeSaw/Online Learning Journal, for your score to be counted.

Get all your house team involved, encourage your team mates to take part to boost your house score. The winning house will be decided by the end of the week!

Teamwork makes the dream work!