Tag Archives: Resilience

P7 Track and Field Championships

This week Primary 7 attended WL track and Field Championships at Craigswood Sports Centre. There were teams of boys and girls competing in long jump, shot put, 80m, 600m and 4x100m relay.

All pupils gave their best and enjoyed taking part and cheering each other on.

Well done to one of our P7’s who was awarded first place in shot put!

P2 Visit to WL College

It was P2’s turn this week to visit West Lothian College for some fun and games.

The children enjoyed the excitement of the bus journey and then had great fun playing the games with the WL College Students. The favourites this week were Duck, Duck Goose, Ladders, Toilet tig and Chaos tig.

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ICHS Cluster Football Festival

This morning our P7 Football team took part in their first competitive matches at the Inveralmond Cluster Football Festival.

Team Toronto have been training hard and their coach Miss Telford was delighted with their performance at their first event. The teamwork, determination, skill and stamina were exemplary! The team were proud of their efforts today too, especially when the managed some great results in some difficult games.

The outlook for Team Toronto is positive and they can’t wait until their next game!

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Judo Taster Sessions

This week we welcomed Destination Judo to Toronto, who spent 2 days with us providing all our classes with a taster session in Judo.

Everyone enjoyed their lesson with Sensei Euan. We had lots of fun and learned some new skills!

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Safer Internet Day 2024

As part of Safer Internet Day our Digital Leaders delivered presentations to all our children at Toronto, from Nursery right through to P7.

They shared information and knowledge around the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, with the the theme for this year of ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. The team enjoyed delivering these presentations to the classes and also hosted quizzes for our older classes and read stories relating to this theme to our younger children.

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STEM- Cup Challenge

Primary 7b, used problem solving, communication and resilience to carry out our ‘Cup Challenge’. In our groups we completed 4 cup stacking challenges, where we had to build the shown cup arrangement only using an elastic band and string.
We could not touch the cups with our hands. Here are some photos of us in action!

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Children in Need Literacy Escape Room

As part of our Children in Need focus last week, P4/5 worked in teams to Escape the classroom through solving Children in Need Literacy clues to identify the code to unlock the room.

Well done to the winning team who managed to get out first!

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Coding Club

This afternoon was our very first coding club.

We started our introduction to coding by learning how to code our beebots. We then used the kapla blocks to build a track/maze and coded our beebots to travel through it.





National Numeracy Day

As part of National Numeracy Day on 18th May children from P2/3, P3, P4/5, P6, P7/6 and P7 took part in an Official World Record Attempt for the most participation and views of Rolling Numbers Livestream.  We managed to break the record and 5, 362 schools took part.  Well done!
We also took part in Numbers and dancing with Katya Jones, where we learned dynamite dance moves.  We had to keep count of the steps .  It was great fun.   We ​thought about what we would like to be when we grow up and how we would use numbers in that job.  We created pictures of us doing our dream job or hobby and  how it uses numbers.
We had a great day.

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