Tag Archives: problem solving

P4 Badminton Festival Fun

Today our wonderful primary 4 children, along with Miss Munro, Mrs Hardie and our lovely parent helpers Vivienne and Fiona headed down to Craigswood Sports Centre to participate in a badminton festival.  They were super excited and absolutely did our school proud whilst participating alongside children across our cluster. Well done boys and girls, we’re so proud of you and the infectious giggles as you bounced back into school proved that you had fun! Don’t believe us? Check out Miss Munro’s video 👌🏼

Nursery Loose Parts

As some of you may know from following us on Twitter, on Friday we were lucky enough to have been awarded ‘Very Goods’ by the Care Inspectorate who dropped in on us last week for a formal visit.  The role play in our brick area has substantially evolved and after the introduction of reels, bamboo, tyres and material the results were golden! We stood beside the inspector in awe of our talented children and she was blown away. We knew as practitioners to stand back, observe and allow our amazingly creative children to do what they do best…play! Here’s a teeny snippet of a very real day at Toronto! Enjoy 😊

STEM Construction Challenge

Children in our P1-3 department have been thoroughly enjoying taking part in a range of construction based challenges this week! These challenges have been collaborative, motivating and above all FUN! We have had to learn how to co-operate in mini teams, problem solve, persevere and express our own ideas using a wide range of practical materials! Here are a few snapshots of Primary 3/2 in action…with a couple of sneaky P7s who wanted in on the building site action!  Oh and Ms Elder who was instructed by the Site Manager to wear her hard hat and high viz waistcoat before she could pass through 🙂