Tag Archives: Play

Shape Play in P4/5

In P4/5 we have been working on shape. Through play with 3D shape we have been creating buildings and other structures and describing them using mathematical language, such as vertices, edges and faces. We also created 3D shapes from their nets and went on a 3D shape hunt around our block and our classroom.

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Green Fingers in P1A

Everyone in P1A has made a super start to our final term in Primary 1!

We have been outside quite a bit this week, making the most of this lovely weather. We have been getting to grips with some new gardening tools which will be very handy when we start planting in our allotment.

P1A Explorers

One of P1A’s learning highlights has been investigating some of the new equipment that has arrived in school!

We used guttering, pipes, our new guttering stands, water and cars to set up an area for the children to experiment with the resources.

The children said they had so much fun seeing how super fast the cars went down the guttering and pipes.  They also said that they enjoyed putting the water down the pipes.

P1B’s Outstanding Outdoor Learning

Following on from the children’s learning on water 💧 staff provided open ended loose parts in the woods to support the children’s play. P1B used lots of science skills, problem solving and great communication to have a fantastic afternoon of outdoor learning!

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Summer Fun

The holidays are here and we are hoping that the lovely weather we have been having recently will continue.

Now lockdown is easing and the restrictions are relaxing, what better way to get back out and about than on your bike!

Here is some cycling information with regards to Covid-19 and some challenges and games that the whole family can enjoy during the summer holidays.

https://bit.ly/2WJMbKC – Cycling Scotland COVID info

Sustrans Outside In Weekly Challenges

https://bit.ly/37Fx3C2 – week 1

https://bit.ly/3e08SQv –  week 2

https://bit.ly/3efKeMx – week 3

https://bit.ly/3ehNVky – week 4

Also next week the British Nutrition Foundation are running a Healthy Eating Week @ Home Challenge.  Resources for this can be found by clicking the following link. https://bit.ly/3eifeLB

Wishing all our families a lovely summer break. We look forward to welcoming you back in August!

P4 Home Learning

Primary 4 have been enjoying working on our homework grids over the last few months. Some children have been creative and made models, others have photographed the changing moon and others have been spreading kindness and Christmas cheer. Many of us have confidently shared our activities and are very proud of our learning.

Here are some examples of what we have done.

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