Tag Archives: Nursery

Toronto Nursery Challenges

Hello everyone,  we hope that you’re all lovely and cosy in your homes enjoying watching the snow falling down on us, or maybe you’ve been lucky enough to jump around in the soft fluffy snow making snow angels?  Whatever you’ve been choosing to do today so far we really hope that you’ve had fun!  Now, knowing you all like we do, we thought you might be looking for some more ideas by now so why not have a wee look at the grid and choose a few fun activities to do if you have time?


*Remember that tomorrow is our Big Bedtime Read launch day (hopefully) so pop your jammies on, and no doubt wellies too, grab your teddy bear and head in for a day full of fun!

See you all soon,  The Nursery Team


We were feeling extremely humbled in Nursery today when Alison from the charity Mary’s Meals came in to collect a cheque for an incredible £80.38!

As part of our recent work on citizenship, Nursery staff decided that instead of accepting Christmas gifts from our lovely families, this year that we would ask them to forget the gifts for us and to try to contribute 25p so that we could raise £13.90 to feed a child for a year in a developing country. Mary’s Meals offered to double whatever we Managed to raise. Our amazing Nursery parents loved this idea and blew our target out of the water! We raised £80.38 which, once doubled by Mary’s Meals, will feed 12 children for a whole year! We can’t believe it! We are so grateful to have the most incredible children and families in our Nursery!

Alison, the representative from Mary’s Meals, was overjoyed to be invited in to speak with the children and she said that she had never heard of any other Nursery doing such a lovely charitable act in this way. Stuart from The Courier caught professional snaps and these photos will hopefully be published in The Courier next week or the following week.

For more information about the Mary’s Meals charity, follow this link:

Thank you again to our thoughtful families – we are overjoyed! Remember – no Christmas gifts! #familyengagement #citizenship @marysmeals

We’re ready for your story covers Nursery! #BookWeekScot

Looking forward to hearing about all of your favourite stories tomorrow Nursery boys and girls! We have started filling up our bookshelf with some of your lovely home learning stories that you have shared with us already! Looking amazing! We can’t wait to fill it up!! Keep them coming 📚

Is your child due to start school in August 2018?

The time has come already can you believe? Please follow this link for P1 Pupil Placement application forms. Remember that all applications are to be completed online this year, unless you request a paper copy. Applications must be submitted by 31st December, even if your child is eligible for a deferral (Jan/Feb Birthday). Deferrals will be looked at after Christmas.

Let us know if you need any support at all.


Nursery Halloween Party

The children in Nursery have been busy planning their Halloween party for Monday 31st October and decided they wanted to write their own invitations at Group Time, which they brought home with them yesterday!  They have planned all of the food they would like, the songs they wish to dance to and the party games they would like to play…safe to say…we think that Monday will be exhausting (but very exciting!)
