Tag Archives: literacy

Watch Them Grow!

Primary 1 are learning about what plants need to grow.
Last week each of the Primary 1 children planted peas.  They needed a pot, soil and seeds.  Once they had panted the seeds they then watered them.
We are going to look after our seeds and hopefully we will see shoots appearing very soon.
In class we wrote instructions to tell others how to plant a seed.

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Poetry in P3

Primary 3 have been learning about poetry. We have been exploring how adjectives can help the reader imagine things in more detail.
We collected leaves from outside and thought of different adjectives to describe them. We then put these adjectives into a poem.

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Book Week Open Morning

P4/5 loved having their families in to share in their Literacy learning. We worked on reciprocal reading skills and were able to teach our adults these skills. It was so lovely to share some ERIC time with them too.

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Busy, Busy, Busy in P6/7!

P6/7 have been busy!
We have been rehearsing for our performance of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
In maths, we have been interpreting data from bar, line and pie charts.
We have been focussing on discussion writing and thinking of arguments for and against as well as our own opinion.
We planted our potatoes this week and will be watching them grow and adding more compost as soon as we see the green leaves appear. We are hoping to grow lots.

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P6 took part in the Inveralmond cluster cross country and one of our girls won 1st place.  We are so proud of her.  Our girls team also came top in the competition, They will go on to represent us in the next stage of the competition in September. Fantastic!