Tag Archives: IDL

Victorian Inventions in P5/6

P5/6 have been learning about Victorian inventions this week and had a go at being Victorian detectives. We had a look at some objects from Victorian times and tried to guess what they might be used for. We then looked online at photos from a Victorian museum to find out if we were correct.

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Digital Victorian Rugs

This week Primary 6 were learning about the importance of rugs in the Victorian Era.
We learned that the more detailed rug you had, then the more stylish your home was!
We planned our rugs first using a grid, trying to include as much detail as possible.
After that, we recreated our rugs digitally using a mosaic app!

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Lots of Learning in P6

P6 have created and made their own analogue clocks. We have been learning to tell the time, using our own clocks as support.

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P6 have enjoyed learning about the Romans. This week we explored the Roman army uniform, we were surprised at how heavy and uncomfortable it was to wear! We each chose an item of clothing to investigate further, using our research skills to help us.

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posted by Fin Stevenson (digital leader)

Primary 4 and their Pictish Diet

P4 having been looking at Pictish foods as part of their IDL topic this term.

We decided to try our hand at making butter by using ancient technologies. After we had made it, we all had chance to taste some along with oatcakes, another staple of the Pictish diet.


The oatcakes and butter were delicious

Primary 4 Love Learning

Our IDL theme this term has been the Romans. We have been learning lots of new information about these people in the past and how we know about their lives from examining evidence. We were very excited when we got to handle real life Roman finds which were discovered during a dig in Falkirk, at Mrs Donald’s mum’s house. We had already discovered the Romans had been in that area, through our investigation of the Antonine Wall, and this evidence confirmed what we knew. We loved being archaeologists and trying to piece the finds and evidence together.

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In art we have been learning about the use of colour. We have been looking at primary colours, and investigating by mixing to make secondary and tertiary colours. We have loved a bit of messy work and experimenting with colours to develop new colours and shades. We have then used this in our art activities and creating beautiful pieces of art.

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P7/6 Rockband Assembly

What a fantastic assembly from P7/6 today! We enjoyed hearing all about your Rockband learning and hearing songs from one of the bands you found influential to your learning. The whole audience could see just how much you had enjoyed this learning through your enthusiasm, attention to detail, fabulous performance and super music video. Well done P7/6, you are the champions!

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