Tag Archives: fun

Guess Who? Toronto Style!

Have you taken part in our Toronto game of Guess Who? yet?

Can you guess our Toronto School staff?
Our staff have created bitmoji’s for our online learning platform.
Follow the link below to guess your staff’s bitmojis. How many can you identify?


*With prizes for our top scorers!


Aldi Kits For School

We were excited to receive a delivery this morning from Aldi. As a result of our whole school community coming together to collect the sports stickers from Aldi last term, we were lucky enough to be rewarded with a kit for our school to supplement our PE and sports. P4 and P5 were very excited to share our reward with the rest of the school today, we can’t wait for the opportunity to make use of the equipment.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped us collect and enabled us to claim this super piece of kit.

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February Homework in P4

Each month P4 enthusiastically take on their home learning grids and enjoy sharing the results of the activities they undertake. A few examples of their tasks are featured below.

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Pancake Day in P4

P4 have been celebrating some different events over the last month.

One favourite in particular was Shrove Tuesday. As well as learning about Shrove Tuesday through RME, we were also able to incorporate Pancake Day into our Health, Maths and Literacy activities. We enjoyed investigating our favourite toppings for our pancakes, our favourites being syrup and strawberries. We collected information on favourite toppings, displayed this information in a graph and used the graph to identify most/least popular toppings. We included Pancake day in our Literacy activities through writing shopping lists for making pancakes with our favourite toppings and instructions on how to make pancakes.

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Outdoor Maths

Happy New Year!

P4 are back and ready to learn. Today we have made the most of our outdoors and have taken our maths out to the sandpit and been practising our subtraction knowledge. We built sandcastles and had fun taking them away to give our answers, using tyres to take away and we worked with bigger numbers and negative numbers by writing sums in the sand.

We loved this different approach to our maths and incorporating the outdoors.

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Christmas Countdown

“On the third day of Christmas Toronto staff gave to all……

Charleston, break dancing, ballet

EDM and Hip hop


10 dancing Christmas elves.”




We would like to wish all our pupils and families a restful and peaceful Christmas break. Merry Christmas, we look forward to welcoming you back in the new year!