Primary 5/6 were tasked with a homework challenge this week, which allowed them to tap into their creative streak. The class were given an open ended challenge to bring with them something Scottish that they could present and talk about in class. There were no limits to what the children could work on, it was open to their interpretation allowing them choice, ownership and creativity – it could have been a piece of music they found, research steps to a Scottish dance, notes they had made about a famous Scottish person, or even a bottle of Irn Bru!
What great things Primary 5/6 brought to class this week to present!
We loved a bit of history of shortbread, the Scottish presentation tins with tartan and Scotty dogs, with one pupil using a family recipe to make delicious shortbread that they kindly shared with their peers, even Mrs Black and Mrs Gingell had to have a try.
We also had some information about a family tartan, which was enthusiastically demonstrated with props, and some fantastic research about the famous Scottish artist Steven Brown.
We are looking forward to sharing more creative Scottish homework on Wednesday!
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