Tag Archives: Engagement

Primary 7/6’s Anderson Shelter

Operation Anderson Shelter – Success!

… And it was so worth it to see their excited faces at their new hide out for this term. Primary 7/6 have brought their topic of World War 2 to life by creating their own Anderson Shelter, identification cards, and gas masks.

Thank you for all your support in providing the cardboard boxes – I think we have enough to make another Anderson Shelter!

Nursery Loose Parts

As some of you may know from following us on Twitter, on Friday we were lucky enough to have been awarded ‘Very Goods’ by the Care Inspectorate who dropped in on us last week for a formal visit.  The role play in our brick area has substantially evolved and after the introduction of reels, bamboo, tyres and material the results were golden! We stood beside the inspector in awe of our talented children and she was blown away. We knew as practitioners to stand back, observe and allow our amazingly creative children to do what they do best…play! Here’s a teeny snippet of a very real day at Toronto! Enjoy 😊