Tag Archives: Eco

Today’s Achievements Assembly

Today at our whole school assembly we enjoyed celebrating the achievements of many of our children from across our school when they were recognised for effort, manners and for helping others.

We were treated to a glimpse of our Glee Club performance which was outstanding! Thank you to Mrs Steel, Ms Muir, Mr Platt and Noriko our dance teacher, for helping us get ready for next week’s big performance! Make sure you remember your props for rehearsals this week everyone.

Mr Graham reminded us all of the basics of Building Learning Power with a little help from some volunteers who showed perseverance, collaboration and lots of effort! We’re looking forward to working more on mini BLP sessions over the next few weeks.

Primary 4 children shared their World Book Day challenge with everyone. They have been busy creating posters asking if everyone could bring a book in to swap and keep on Thursday. Please note, there is not a necessity for children to dress up on Thursday for World Book Day – we’d just love you to bring in a preloved book for swapping 📚📙📘📚

Eco Award ♻️

We would like to thank our wonderful Eco team, clean team, litter pickers and battery collectors along with Mrs Wong, Miss Galloway and Ms Muir who have helped us sustain our prestigious Green Flag award!

We celebrated this achievement at our school community assembly yesterday and we were very impressed to receive our 6th green flag! Well done everyone!!

Rag Bags

rag-bag       rag-bag     rag-bag

As part of our ongoing work towards maintaining our ECO status, your child has received a Rag Bag.  As you will be aware, this initiative has been developed to raise awareness of textile recycling. By participating you are helping the environment and supporting West Lothian Council to meet recycling targets as well as raising funds for our school.

We are looking for wearable clothes, paired shoes, handbags and belts. Please return your Rag Bag to school by Monday 6th March.  If you have lots, we will gratefully receive them in black bags too.  If your child cannot manage in with them themselves, please drop at the office, thank you!  More information can be found here:  http://www.rag-bag.co.uk/