Tag Archives: Digital Learning

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day, and here at Toronto all classes took part in lessons and activities in which we were able to develop our knowledge.

Our DIgital Leaders worked with a variety of classes on a social media quiz, identifying the age individuals must be engage with a variety of social media. We were surprised by some of the age limits on these, particularly YouTube!

As the Digital Leaders were working in classes, the theme of consent and permission was a hot topic and children were able to discuss their thoughts and give opinions on this and how we can keep ourselves and others safe online.

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Sky Academy

Primary 5 attended a Skills Academy at Sky this morning.  Following on from our Interdisciplinary Learning theme before Christmas, we have been researching ocean pollution and it’s effect on the the world and it’s inhabitants. We used this knowledge toady to put together a news report of our findings. At the Sky Skills Academy we each had a job role and were responsible for an area of the report. We learned about writing scripts, using the teleprompter, using cameras, camera angles, editing and trimming and presenting and interviewing, ensuring our facts were triple checked.

Our Directors and Producers had a tough job keeping us on the right path and working to a deadline, but we made it. We are really proud of the report we were able to put together through using and developing our skills and working together as a brilliant team!

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Merry Christmas from P5/6

Primary 5/6 have been working hard as a team over the last few weeks to put together their own Christmas music video. All pupils have played important roles in the making of this video, either as actors, camera operators or directors. We have learned some new skills and had lots of fun along the way.

We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!

Digital Leaders – Teacher Training

Our amazing Digital Leaders have been working hard in school to develop our use of ICT. One aspect of this development is to ensure that staff are confident in using the hardware and software with the children. Our Digital Leaders have been hosting some after school sessions on some programmes that staff may find beneficial to pupils’ learning. We have delivered sessions over the course of this term on Imovie, Scratch, Word Clouds, Quiver, Sway and Didbook. We have even been into classes to support the teachers and pupils in using these.

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P4 using Comic Life to make World Book Day posters

What a terrific Tuesday I had with Primary 4 yesterday when they accepted a big challenge of running this year’s Book Swap (next Thursday). They were challenged to create posters using a digital app called Comic Life. Some children chose to work independently, whilst others were in a pair and they worked so hard that they even set their own success criteria based on their individual confidence levels. The buzz in the classroom was exciting and engaging and the results were fabulous!! Next week we will be learning how to log into our Glowmail and will answer a big question set on our new Yammer group! Watch this space…thanks so much P4, Mrs Simpson.