Tag Archives: Digital Learning

Christmas Countdown

“On the third day of Christmas Toronto staff gave to all……

Charleston, break dancing, ballet

EDM and Hip hop


10 dancing Christmas elves.”




We would like to wish all our pupils and families a restful and peaceful Christmas break. Merry Christmas, we look forward to welcoming you back in the new year!

Internet Safety

One of our Primary 7 pupils has been working really hard to provide some important information on how to stay safe online and proudly shared her leaflet detailing some great advice. Our Digital Leaders would like to use this fabulous piece of work to display in all classes and share with our families at home. Well done!

DYW Skills Fair

Some of our P7’s had an amazing time at the Almondvale Stadium this week investigating careers at West Lothian’s DYW Skills Fair. All pupil enjoyed lots of interactive activities – making bath bombs, slime, ice cream and lemonade, working on their coding skills using the Scratch website, finding out about items of medical equipment, trying out VR headsets, creating and designing our own sweets and sweet shops, as well as many other interesting skills and careers.

What a fab morning!

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Terrific Toronto Teachers

Our Toronto staff have been taking part in a variety of sessions, including online learning, to develop their knowledge and skills in using some of our digital resources.

In our latest session they have been refreshing their knowledge of Education City. This website is an active and engaging resource we use in class to support our pupils’ learning.

Toronto’s Digital Leaders also attended this learning session and are confident in supporting our pupils, and our staff, in the use of this fab resource. What super team work at Toronto!

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We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Some children from P1 and P2 worked with Mrs Black on one of their favourite stories – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

After enjoying reading the story , the boys successfully ordered the pictures to retell the story.  They then drew, coloured and annotated their own pictures to create a collaborative book of the story and used playdough to recreate scenes from the story. All before watching the animated version of the story on the smartboard. What hardworking boys!

Internet Safety

The digital leaders have recently been talking about internet safety, here are are top tips for staying safe online:

  1. Never share your personal details, eg. age, where you live etc.
  2. Always have parental supervision
  3. Don’t contact anybody you don’t know
  4. Only accept friend requests from people you know
  5. Keep your logins and passwords safe and don’t let anyone know them

Parents, you can also help keep your children safe online by following the advice in the link below:


Stay safe 4 life!

by Michael, Digital Leader

Digital Learning

P5/6 have been developing their knowledge of the digital wold this week, with Safer internet Day as the stimulus.

We were challenged to draw a picture of an apple and then a dog, each within 30 seconds. We could clearly see many similarities between everyone’s drawing of each of these items – shape, form, characteristics, etc. We were then given 30 seconds to draw The Internet. When comparing these pictures, we noticed there were fewer of them entered onto our board and there were very few similarities in our drawings. The apple and dog were physical items that we could see and touch, yet no one could really clearly explain what the internet actually looked like, we use it every day but it is not really a physical object that we can freely see and touch, which makes it a more abstract idea to us.

We also investigated some of the technical language that is used when working with ICT. We were able to match some technical terms with their meanings, helping us to be more aware of our roles and responsibilities when using technology.